Настольные ПК
Мобильные платформы
- Self Hosted • 239 ,
- Palm Pre • 107 ,
- Kindle Fire • 71 ,
- Safari • 69 ,
- Windows Explorer • 68 ,
- Haiku • 61 ,
- Wordpress • 51 ,
- Microsoft Office Outlook • 30 ,
- Adobe Photoshop • 23 ,
- Visual Studio • 23 ,
- Eclipse • 23 ,
- Mozilla Thunderbird • 22 ,
- Net Framework • 21 ,
- 3Ds Max • 18 ,
- Microsoft Excel • 16 ,
- Seamonkey • 14 ,
- Skype • 12 ,
- Wine • 10
Wireshark is the world's foremost network protocol analyzer. It lets you capture and interactively browse the traffic running on a computer network. It is the de facto (and often de jure) standard across...
Fiddler 25 альтернатив
- Debugger
- Traffic Monitor
- Proxy
- Http Monitoring
- Http Debug
Fiddler is a Web Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler allows you to inspect all HTTP(S) traffic, set breakpoints, and "fiddle" with …
tcpdump 10 альтернатив
- Networking
- Sniffing
- Network Analyzer
- Packet Sniffing
- Packet Capture
tcpdump is a powerful command-line packet analyzer.
netcat 11 альтернатив
- Networking
- Connection
- Connect
- Tcp
- Peer To Peer
Netcat is a featured networking utility which reads and writes data across network connections, using the TCP/IP protocol. It is designed to be a reliable "back-end" tool that can be …
Ettercap 9 альтернатив
- Network Analyzer
- Arp
Ettercap is a suite for man in the middle attacks on LAN. It features sniffing of live connections, content filtering on the fly and many other interesting tricks. It supports …
Microsoft Network Monitor 13 альтернатив
- Tcp Ip
- Packet Capture
Microsoft Network Monitor is a packet analyzer. It enables capturing, viewing, and analyzing network data and deciphering network protocols. It can be used to troubleshoot network problems and applications on...
CloudShark 2 альтернативы
- Forensics
- Wi-Fi
- Tcp
- Network Analyzer
- Network Security
A web based platform that lets you view, analyze, and share packet capture files in a browser. Works in Safari for iPad and iPhone.
Nethogs 11 альтернатив
- Bandwidth Monitor
- Network Activity
NetHogs is a small 'net top' tool. Instead of breaking the traffic down per protocol or per subnet, like most tools do, it groups bandwidth by process. NetHogs does not …
iwScanner 22 альтернативы
- Python
- Scanner
- Gtk
- Ubuntu
- Wireless
iwScanner is a wireless scanner for linux with an easy to use graphic interface. Its designed in Glade and written in python, so it just need PyGTK to run in …
Packetyzer 15 альтернатив
- Analyzer
- Sniffing
- Protocol
Packetyzer provides a Windows user interface for the Ethereal packet capture and dissection library. Ethereal is used by network professionals around the world for troubleshooting, analysis, software and...
NetworkMiner 27 альтернатив
- Forensics
- Internet Security
- Sniffing
- Network Analyzer
- Network Security
NetworkMiner is a Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) for Windows. NetworkMiner can be used as a passive network sniffer/packet capturing tool in order to detect operating systems, sessions, hostnames, open...
SmartSniff 25 альтернатив
- Monitoring
- Tcp
- Socks
- Sniffing
- Sockets
SmartSniff is a packet sniffer that capture TCP/IP packets and display them as sequence of conversations between clients and servers. You can view the TCP/IP conversations in Ascii mode (for …
tcpflow 8 альтернатив
- Packet Capture
tcpflow, a TCP Flow Recorder, is a program that captures data transmitted as part of TCP connections (flows), and stores the data in a way that is convenient for protocol …
Ethereal 12 альтернатив
- Network Analyzer
- Packet Capture
Ethereal® is used by network professionals around the world for troubleshooting, analysis, software and protocol development, and education. It has all of the standard features you would expect in a...
Ostinato 5 альтернатив
- Traffic Analyzer
- Packet Capture
- Network Testing
- Protocol Tester
- Packet Generator
Ostinato is a network packet and traffic generator and analyzer with a friendly GUI. It aims to be "Wireshark in Reverse" and thus become complementary to Wireshark. It features custom …
LanDetective 7 альтернатив
- Web Monitoring
- Traffic Monitoring
- Internet Usage Monitoring
- Sniffing
- Internet Monitoring
LanDetective is a traffic analysis tool for monitoring Internet usage. Interception and logging of data transferred via high-level network protocols is the main distinctive feature of LanDetective over other...
PsPing 6 альтернатив
- Bandwidth
- Network Utility
- Quality Of Service
PsPing is a command-line utility for measuring network performance. In addition to standard ICMP ping functionality, it can report the latency of connecting to TCP ports, the latency of TCP …
Packet Peeper 7 альтернатив
- Sniffing
- Network Analyzer
- Packet Capture
- Packet Sniffer
Packet Peeper is a free network protocol analyzer (packet sniffer) for Mac OS X. TCP stream reassembly. Privilege separation. Simultaneous capture sessions. Filters, which may be defined at any time....
Pirni Pro 19 альтернатив
- Http
- Regular Expression
- Wi-Fi
- Url Sniffer
- Arp Replacement
Pirni Pro is a network security tool designed for iOS, and specifically for iPhone and iPod Touch devices. It is capable of intercepting traffic on a wireless network segment, capturing …
MicroOLAP TCPDUMP 6 альтернатив
- Network Analyzer
- Network Sniffer
- Packet Sniffing
- Packet Capture
MicroOLAP TCPDUMP is a clone of tcpdump , the most used network sniffer/analyzer for UNIX, compiled with the original tcpdump code (http://www.tcpdump.org/), and MicroOLAP Packet Sniffer SDK.
Cocoa Packet Analyzer 10 альтернатив
- Analyzer
- Sniffing
- Network Analyzer
- Cocoa
- Packet Capture
Native Cocoa app for capturing and analyzing packets. Similar to Wireshark, but with a native interface (and less features). If you don't like the X11 GTK Wireshark, this is your …
Scapy 7 альтернатив
- Python
- Packet Sniffer
- Packet Generator
- Packet Crafting
- Packet Editor
Scapy is a powerful interactive packet manipulation program. It is able to forge or decode packets of a wide number of protocols, send them on the wire, capture them, match …
Знаете другую альтернативу Wireshark?
Добавьте её в этот списокIxchariot 7 альтернатив
- Wifi Testing
- Application Performance
- Network Testing
- Network Performance
- Qcheck
IxChariot is the industrys leading test tool for simulating real-world applications to predict device and system performance under realistic load conditions. Comprised of the IxChariot Console, Performance...
qcheck 4 альтернативы
- Application Performance
- Network Testing
- Network Performance
- Ixchariot
Qcheck, the network troubleshooting utility from Ixia, quickly checks network response time, throughput, and streaming performance. It even runs anywhere-to-anywhere traceroute!
TCP Spy 2 альтернативы
- Api
- Winsock
When TCP Spy's Start button is pressed, it will capture and display all socket calls of the next application that starts and makes a socket call. It will also capture …
URL Helper 5 альтернатив
- Download Streaming Video
- Url Sniffer
An url sniffer(HTTP, MMS, RTSP, RTMP) which provide one-step solution to finding the URLs for all streams. Best Features One-step solution to find the URLs Capture RealMedia,Windows Media, flash...
Что в этом списке?
Этот список содержит 30 альтернатив приложению Wireshark, для таких платформ как: Windows, Linux, macOS, iPhone, Android, Онлайн Сервис, Android Tablet и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.
Последнее обновление списка: 15 декабря 2014 г. 0:42
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Сортировка альтернатив
Фильтр альтернатив по тегам
- — Захват Пакетов • 11
- — Сетевой Анализатор • 11
- — Шмыг • 8
- — Протокол TCP • 4
- — Сниффер Пакетов • 4
- — Тестирование Сети • 3
- — Беспроводной доступ в интернет (Wi-Fi) • 3
- — Крафт Пакет • 3
- — Анализатор • 3
- — Судмедэксперты • 3
- — Сеть Безопасности • 3
- — Генератор Пакетов • 3
- — Мониторинг Сети • 2
- — Сетевые Утилиты • 2
- — Монитор Трафика • 2
- — Мониторинг • 2
- — Производительность Приложений • 2
- — Python • 2
- — Сетей • 2
- — Нюхач URL-Адрес • 2
- — Арп • 2
- — Производительность Сети • 2
- — Сниффинг Пакетов • 2
- — Редактор Пакетов • 2
- — Сетевой Сниффер • 2
- — Сетевой Сканер • 2
- — НДИ • 1
- — Монитор Электронной Почты • 1
- — Качество Обслуживания • 1
- — Скачать Потоковое Видео • 1