Настольные ПК
Мобильные платформы
- Self Hosted • 239 ,
- Palm Pre • 107 ,
- Kindle Fire • 71 ,
- Safari • 69 ,
- Windows Explorer • 68 ,
- Haiku • 61 ,
- Wordpress • 51 ,
- Microsoft Office Outlook • 30 ,
- Adobe Photoshop • 23 ,
- Visual Studio • 23 ,
- Eclipse • 23 ,
- Mozilla Thunderbird • 22 ,
- Net Framework • 21 ,
- 3Ds Max • 18 ,
- Microsoft Excel • 16 ,
- Seamonkey • 14 ,
- Skype • 12 ,
- Wine • 10
Wireshark is the world's foremost network protocol analyzer. It lets you capture and interactively browse the traffic running on a computer network. It is the de facto (and often de jure) standard across...
Fiddler 25 альтернатив
- Debugger
- Traffic Monitor
- Proxy
- Http Monitoring
- Http Debug
Fiddler is a Web Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler allows you to inspect all HTTP(S) traffic, set breakpoints, and "fiddle" with …
tcpdump 10 альтернатив
- Networking
- Sniffing
- Network Analyzer
- Packet Sniffing
- Packet Capture
tcpdump is a powerful command-line packet analyzer.
netcat 11 альтернатив
- Networking
- Connection
- Connect
- Tcp
- Peer To Peer
Netcat is a featured networking utility which reads and writes data across network connections, using the TCP/IP protocol. It is designed to be a reliable "back-end" tool that can be …
Microsoft Network Monitor 13 альтернатив
- Tcp Ip
- Packet Capture
Microsoft Network Monitor is a packet analyzer. It enables capturing, viewing, and analyzing network data and deciphering network protocols. It can be used to troubleshoot network problems and applications on...
Ettercap 9 альтернатив
- Network Analyzer
- Arp
Ettercap is a suite for man in the middle attacks on LAN. It features sniffing of live connections, content filtering on the fly and many other interesting tricks. It supports …
CloudShark 2 альтернативы
- Forensics
- Wi-Fi
- Tcp
- Network Analyzer
- Network Security
A web based platform that lets you view, analyze, and share packet capture files in a browser. Works in Safari for iPad and iPhone.
Packetyzer 15 альтернатив
- Analyzer
- Sniffing
- Protocol
Packetyzer provides a Windows user interface for the Ethereal packet capture and dissection library. Ethereal is used by network professionals around the world for troubleshooting, analysis, software and...
SmartSniff 25 альтернатив
- Monitoring
- Tcp
- Socks
- Sniffing
- Sockets
SmartSniff is a packet sniffer that capture TCP/IP packets and display them as sequence of conversations between clients and servers. You can view the TCP/IP conversations in Ascii mode (for …
NetworkMiner 27 альтернатив
- Forensics
- Internet Security
- Sniffing
- Network Analyzer
- Network Security
NetworkMiner is a Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) for Windows. NetworkMiner can be used as a passive network sniffer/packet capturing tool in order to detect operating systems, sessions, hostnames, open...
LanDetective 7 альтернатив
- Web Monitoring
- Traffic Monitoring
- Internet Usage Monitoring
- Sniffing
- Internet Monitoring
LanDetective is a traffic analysis tool for monitoring Internet usage. Interception and logging of data transferred via high-level network protocols is the main distinctive feature of LanDetective over other...
Ethereal 12 альтернатив
- Network Analyzer
- Packet Capture
Ethereal® is used by network professionals around the world for troubleshooting, analysis, software and protocol development, and education. It has all of the standard features you would expect in a...
tcpflow 8 альтернатив
- Packet Capture
tcpflow, a TCP Flow Recorder, is a program that captures data transmitted as part of TCP connections (flows), and stores the data in a way that is convenient for protocol …
Ostinato 5 альтернатив
- Traffic Analyzer
- Packet Capture
- Network Testing
- Protocol Tester
- Packet Generator
Ostinato is a network packet and traffic generator and analyzer with a friendly GUI. It aims to be "Wireshark in Reverse" and thus become complementary to Wireshark. It features custom …
MicroOLAP TCPDUMP 6 альтернатив
- Network Analyzer
- Network Sniffer
- Packet Sniffing
- Packet Capture
MicroOLAP TCPDUMP is a clone of tcpdump , the most used network sniffer/analyzer for UNIX, compiled with the original tcpdump code (http://www.tcpdump.org/), and MicroOLAP Packet Sniffer SDK.
Scapy 7 альтернатив
- Python
- Packet Sniffer
- Packet Generator
- Packet Crafting
- Packet Editor
Scapy is a powerful interactive packet manipulation program. It is able to forge or decode packets of a wide number of protocols, send them on the wire, capture them, match …
PsPing 6 альтернатив
- Bandwidth
- Network Utility
- Quality Of Service
PsPing is a command-line utility for measuring network performance. In addition to standard ICMP ping functionality, it can report the latency of connecting to TCP ports, the latency of TCP …
qcheck 4 альтернативы
- Application Performance
- Network Testing
- Network Performance
- Ixchariot
Qcheck, the network troubleshooting utility from Ixia, quickly checks network response time, throughput, and streaming performance. It even runs anywhere-to-anywhere traceroute!
TCP Spy 2 альтернативы
- Api
- Winsock
When TCP Spy's Start button is pressed, it will capture and display all socket calls of the next application that starts and makes a socket call. It will also capture …
Ixchariot 7 альтернатив
- Wifi Testing
- Application Performance
- Network Testing
- Network Performance
- Qcheck
IxChariot is the industrys leading test tool for simulating real-world applications to predict device and system performance under realistic load conditions. Comprised of the IxChariot Console, Performance...
Sax2 4 альтернативы
- Intrusion Detection
- Nids
Ax3soft Sax2 is a professional intrusion detection and prevention software (NIDS) which excels at real-time packet capture, 24/7 network monitor, advanced protocol analysis and automatic expert detection.With...
packeth 5 альтернатив
- Packet Capture
- Packet Sniffer
- Packet Generator
- Packet Crafting
- Packet Editor
packeth is GUI and CLI packet generator tool for ethernet. Primary it is developed and maintained for Linux, but some ports for Windows and MAC have also be done. It …
Знаете другую альтернативу Wireshark?
Добавьте её в этот списокRawDigger 7 альтернатив
- Analysis
- Analyzer
- Raw
RawDigger is a computer program intended for viewing, studying, and analyzing raw files from digital photo cameras and some digital video cameras.
URL Helper 5 альтернатив
- Download Streaming Video
- Url Sniffer
An url sniffer(HTTP, MMS, RTSP, RTMP) which provide one-step solution to finding the URLs for all streams. Best Features One-step solution to find the URLs Capture RealMedia,Windows Media, flash...
NetSleuth 6 альтернатив
- Network Monitoring
- Forensics
- Traffic Monitor
- Security Tool
- Network Scanner
NetSleuth is an opensource network forensics and analysis tool, designed for triage in incident response situations. It can identify and fingerprint network hosts and devices from pcap files captured from...
TcpLogView 4 альтернативы
- Monitoring
- Network Monitoring
- Tcp
- Connections
TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a new log line every time that a TCP connection is opened or closed.
Что в этом списке?
Этот список содержит 30 альтернатив приложению Wireshark, для таких платформ как: Windows, Linux, macOS, iPhone, Android, Онлайн Сервис, Android Tablet и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.
Последнее обновление списка: 15 декабря 2014 г. 0:42
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Сортировка альтернатив
Фильтр альтернатив по тегам
- — Сетевой Анализатор • 8
- — Захват Пакетов • 8
- — Шмыг • 5
- — Протокол TCP • 4
- — Тестирование Сети • 3
- — Генератор Пакетов • 3
- — Крафт Пакет • 3
- — Судмедэксперты • 3
- — Мониторинг • 2
- — Мониторинг Сети • 2
- — Редактор Пакетов • 2
- — Сниффинг Пакетов • 2
- — Монитор Трафика • 2
- — Анализатор • 2
- — Производительность Сети • 2
- — Сетевые Утилиты • 2
- — Сетевой Сниффер • 2
- — Сетей • 2
- — Сеть Безопасности • 2
- — Производительность Приложений • 2
- — Сниффер Пакетов • 2
- — Отладчик • 1
- — Соединения • 1
- — Обнаружения Вторжений • 1
- — HTTP-Трафик • 1
- — Сырье • 1
- — Инструмент Безопасности • 1
- — НДИ • 1
- — Сканер Портов • 1
- — Беспроводной доступ в интернет (Wi-Fi) • 1