Настольные ПК
Мобильные платформы
- Self Hosted • 239 ,
- Palm Pre • 107 ,
- Kindle Fire • 71 ,
- Safari • 69 ,
- Windows Explorer • 68 ,
- Haiku • 61 ,
- Wordpress • 51 ,
- Microsoft Office Outlook • 30 ,
- Adobe Photoshop • 23 ,
- Visual Studio • 23 ,
- Eclipse • 23 ,
- Mozilla Thunderbird • 22 ,
- Net Framework • 21 ,
- 3Ds Max • 18 ,
- Microsoft Excel • 16 ,
- Seamonkey • 14 ,
- Skype • 12 ,
- Wine • 10
Wordpress 124 альтернативы
- Blogging
- Webserver
- Blog Publishing
- Create Blog
WordPress — система управления содержимым сайта с открытым исходным кодом, распространяемая под GNU GPL. Написана на PHP, в качестве базы данных использует MySQL. Сфера применения — от блогов до достаточно …
Qt 1 альтернатива
- Development
- Programming
- Programming Language
- Sdk
- C Plus Plus
Qt is cross-platform application and UI framework which allows you to develop applications and user interfaces once, and deploy them across Windows, Mac, Linux/X11, embedded Linux, Windows CE, Symbian, Maemo,...
FBReader 34 альтернативы
- Multi Language
- Fb2
- Epub
- Ebook Reader
- Epub Reader
FBReader is an e-book reader for various platforms. Features: Supported e-book formats are: ePub, an international e-publishing standard. fb2, a Russian e-books standard de facto. Non-DRM'd version of...
Linphone 35 альтернатив
- Voip
- Voice Chat
- Sip
- Softphone
Linphone is an internet phone or Voice Over IP phone (VoIP). With linphone you can communicate freely with people over the internet, with voice, video, and text instant messaging. Linphone …
OsmAnd 25 альтернатив
- Point Of Interest
- Text To Speech
- Maps
- Offline Maps
- Navigation
OsmAnd (OSM Automated Navigation Directions) is an open source navigation application with access to a wide variety of global OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. All map data (vector or tile maps) can …
Kurogo Mobile Platform 20 альтернатив
- Framework
- Mobile Apps Development
- Windows Phone
- Mobile App
- Blackberry
Kurogo is open-source Mobile Optimized Middleware™ from Modo Labs that connects content from a wide range of back-end sources, refactors and recombines it, and makes it available on any mobile …
Ampache 27 альтернатив
- Streaming
- Music Streaming
Ampache is a web based audio streaming application and file manager allowing you to access your music from anywhere, using almost any internet enabled device.
PPSSPP 4 альтернативы
- Game
- Psp
- Gaming
PPSSPP is a PSP emulator written in C++, and translates PSP CPU instructions directly into optimized x86, x64 and ARM machine code, using JIT recompilers (dynarecs). PPSSPP can thus run …
Funambol 27 альтернатив
- Backup And Restore
- Cloud Sync
- Mobile Sync
- Contacts Management
- Syncml
Funambol is the easiest way to keep your phone contacts and pictures in sync with your other mobile phones, tablets, and computers. Your contacts are secured in your online account …
RetroArch 70 альтернатив
- Frontend
- Game Emulator
- Genesis
- Mega Drive
- Super Nintendo
What is RetroArch? RetroArch is a modular multi-system emulator system that is designed to be fast, lightweight, and portable. It has features few other emulators frontends have, such as real-time …
CF Image Host 8 альтернатив
- Webmaster
- Image Hosting
- Photo Hosting
CF Image Host is a free, simple and easy to use PHP Image hosting script, which aims to make it easy to setup and maintain a photo/image hosting/sharing site. With …
GpsMid 25 альтернатив
- Gps
- Offline
- Navigation
- Openstreetmap
- Osm
GpsMid is a free, fully offline, vector based map application for your mobile phone. It displays your current position on a zoomable map and can be used to search for …
bbTracker 7 альтернатив
- Gps
- Gpx
- Tracklog
- Kml
bbTracker is a simple application for Java-enabled smartphones to create GPS track logs. It tracks ones movement and provides that data for later analysis. It is not meant as a …
BT747 5 альтернатив
- Gps
- Geotag
- Logger
- Gpx
- Mtk
Bt747 allows for configuring MTK/MTK2 based GPS data loggers (GPS trackers) and downloading track data (GPS logs) to your PC. It can convert and export logs to various formats, geo-tag …
ShareNav 20 альтернатив
- Gps
- User Generated
- Maps
- Offline Maps
- Map Online
ShareNav is a navigation & (vector) map viewing program with OpenStreetMap editing capabilities. It also has support for viewing raster maps. ShareNav has audio guidance in English, German and Finnish …
Mnemojojo & Mnemododo 18 альтернатив
- Flashcards Learning
- Spaced Repetition System
Mnemojojo for J2ME (Mobile Java) and Mnemododo for Android are clients for reviewing and grading Mnemosyne cards on mobile devices. It will run on many mobile phones. It supports basic …
junariCRM 22 альтернативы
- Customer Relationship Manager
- Software Development
- Junari
- Junaricrm
# Functionality. junariCRM system is extremely feature rich. # Price. junariCRMs platform is OpenSource, there are no licensing or third party supplier costs, and ongoing costs are only for support …
zlib 0 альтернатив
- File Compression
- Programming Library
zlib is a software library used for data compression. It is an abstraction of the DEFLATE compression algorithm used in gzip file compression program. zlib is also a crucial component …
QRemoteControl 9 альтернатив
- Remote Control
With QRemoteControl installed on your Smartphone you can easily control your computer via WiFi. By using the touchpad of your Phone you can for example open the internet browser and …
CocoStudio 9 альтернатив
- Development
- Game Development
- Game
- Game Engine
- Game Creation
cocos2d-x is a cross platform open source free 2D game engine for mobile gamedev, that is fast and stable, easy to learn and use.
Что в этом списке?
Этот список содержит 20 приложений для платформы Blackberry. Список можно фильтровать по типу лицензии и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют приложение, или дате добавления.
Последнее обновление списка: 15 декабря 2014 г. 0:59
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Сортировка приложений
Фильтр приложений по тегам
- — GPS • 4
- — На OpenStreetMap • 3
- — Навигация • 3
- — Разработка • 2
- — Оффлайн Карты • 2
- — В формате GPX • 2
- — От Поворота К Повороту • 2
- — Карты Навигации Поездок • 2
- — Карты • 2
- — Игры • 2
- — Мобильный Синхронизации • 1
- — Ежевика • 1
- — Хостинг Изображений • 1
- — Система Мульти-Эмулятор • 1
- — Треку • 1
- — Игровой • 1
- — Игровой Движок • 1
- — Читатель Epub • 1
- — Создать Блог • 1
- — В OpenGL • 1
- — Заранее Gameboy • 1
- — GPS-Навигация • 1
- — Junaricrm • 1
- — Многоязычный • 1
- — Фронтэнд • 1
- — Пользовательский • 1
- — Менеджер По Отношениям С Клиентами • 1
- — Публикации Блога • 1
- — Фреймворк • 1
- — В формате epub • 1