
Multiple Accounts Instant Messaging Youtube Twitter Integration Facebook Integration

Yoono is an easy to use application that allows you to connect to all your social networks and instant messaging services - in one place. Get all your friend updates, update your own status, and easily share...

Бесплатно Firefox Google Chrome Linux Windows macOS

Gwibber 93 альтернативы

  • Facebook
  • Flickr
  • Integrated Search
  • Twitter Client
  • Social Hub

Gwibber is an open source microblogging client for GNOME developed with Python and GTK. It brings the most popular social networking web services to your desktop and gives you the …

Открытое ПO

Psi 51 альтернатива

  • Chat Client
  • Instant Messenger
  • Jabber
  • Xmpp
  • Google Talk

Psi is an instant messaging application for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X that connects to the free, open Jabber IM network (also known as XMPP). Localized versions of Psi …

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qutIM 26 альтернатив

  • Instant Messenger
  • Jabber
  • Icq
  • Google Talk
  • Multi Protocol

qutIM - free open-source multiprotocol ( ICQ, Jabber/ GTalk/Ya.Online/LiveJournal.com, Mail.Ru, IRC ) instant messenger for Windows, Linux, MacOS X, OS/2, Symbian, Maemo/MeeGo, Solaris and *BSD.

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Symbian S60

Instantbird 30 альтернатив

  • Facebook
  • Chat Client
  • Instant Messenger
  • Irc
  • Jabber

Instantbird is an instant messaging client based on Mozilla XULRunner and the open source library libpurple created by the software developers of Pidgin. Instantbird is free software available under the …

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Turpial 77 альтернатив

  • Twitter
  • Microblogging
  • Twitter Client

Turpial is a microblogging client written in Python. It is lightweight, functional and does not harm the ozone layer

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Spicebird 24 альтернативы

  • Collaboration
  • Calendar
  • Instant Messenger
  • Rss Feed Reader
  • Mozilla

Spicebird is your one platform for many collaboration needs. It provides e-mail, calendaring and instant messaging with intuitive integration and unlimited extensibility. The application is based on projects like Thunderbird, …

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Spaz 39 альтернатив

  • Messaging
  • Air Application
  • Twitter Client

Spaz is a Twitter client for users who value free, open-source software, attractive design, and customizability

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Palm Pre

ttytter 55 альтернатив

  • Perl
  • Command Line
  • Twitter
  • Command Prompt
  • Twitter Client

Noooo, not another Twitter client! Yes, another Twitter client. The difference here is that you're dealing with a multi-functional, fully 100% text, Perl command line client. Supported OAuth earlier than...

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Coccinella 28 альтернатив

  • Chat Client
  • Instant Messenger
  • Jabber
  • Xmpp
  • Whiteboard

Coccinella is a free and open-source cross-platform instant messaging client with a built-in whiteboard for improved collaboration with other people.

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Yasst 7 альтернатив

  • Cross Platform
  • Twitter
  • Tweet
  • Twitter Client

Yasst is built using the Qt, the cross platform development framework by Nokia. This is licenced under the Lesser GPL version 2.1. For more information see the Qt website. Yasst …

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Что в этом списке?

Этот список содержит 51 альтернативу приложению Yoono, для таких платформ как: Linux, Windows, macOS, Symbian S60, Palm Pre и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.

Последнее обновление списка: 15 декабря 2014 г. 0:59

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