Настольные ПК
Мобильные платформы
- Self Hosted • 239 ,
- Palm Pre • 107 ,
- Kindle Fire • 71 ,
- Safari • 69 ,
- Windows Explorer • 68 ,
- Haiku • 61 ,
- Wordpress • 51 ,
- Microsoft Office Outlook • 30 ,
- Adobe Photoshop • 23 ,
- Visual Studio • 23 ,
- Eclipse • 23 ,
- Mozilla Thunderbird • 22 ,
- Net Framework • 21 ,
- 3Ds Max • 18 ,
- Microsoft Excel • 16 ,
- Seamonkey • 14 ,
- Skype • 12 ,
- Wine • 10
Seafile is a professional open source cloud storage platform for organizations. It has complete file syncing and sharing features, reliable file storage and advanced privacy protection feature.
Dropbox 170 альтернатив
- File Sharing
- Online Backup
- File Synchronization
- Backup And Restore
- Built In Player
Dropbox — облачное хранилище данных, позволяет пользователю размещать файлы на удалённых серверах при помощи клиента или с использованием веб-интерфейса через браузер. При установке клиентского программного обеспечения Dropbox на компьютере создается …
Google Drive 176 альтернатив
- File Sharing
- Online Backup
- File Synchronization
- Online Harddrive
- File Storage
Google Drive (Google Диск) - облачное хранилище от Google, предоставляющее возможность бесплатно загружать, хранить и обмениваться файлами. Хранилище в объеме до 15 гигабайт предоставляется бесплатно. Объем диска для личного использования …
Box.com 163 альтернативы
- File Sharing
- Online Backup
- Online Harddrive
- Selective Sync
- File Storage
Box.com's online file storage makes it easy to securely share content as a link or a shared folder with anyone - inside or outside your company. Create an online workspace, …
ownCloud 110 альтернатив
- Share Photos
- Photo Sharing
- Web Application
- File Synchronization
- Synchronization
ownCloud gives you web services under your control. It is a self-hosted open source platform with file sync & sharing at its core and available clients for desktop and mobile. …
BitTorrent Sync 27 альтернатив
- File Sharing
- Online Backup
- File Synchronization
- File Storage
- Synchronization
Automatically sync files between computers via secure, distributed technology. BitTorrent Sync synchronizes your files using a peer-to-peer (P2P) protocol. This protocol is very effective for transferring...
Tonido 107 альтернатив
- Photo Sharing
- File Sharing
- File Synchronization
- Backup And Restore
- Calendar
Tonido allows you to access and share your content directly through a web browser without uploading or worrying about storage limits. Share files, music, photos and calendar, download torrents and …
SparkleShare 42 альтернативы
- Collaboration
- Dropbox
- File Sharing
- Synchronization
- Backup
SparkleShare is a Free Open Source syncing tool. Its light, secure and easy to use. SparkleShare allows you to setup your own servers so you always keep control on you …
Pydio 21 альтернатива
- Dropbox
- Box
- Web Application
- File Sharing
- Online Backup
Pydio is the mature alternative to Dropbox and Box.com, to build your own box, on your own servers. Pydio is an open source file sharing platform for the enterprise, with …
AeroFS 7 альтернатив
- Dropbox
- File Synchronization
- Synchronization
- Peer To Peer
- Unlimited Storage
AeroFS lets you synchronize your files without servers and build private cloud storage out of your own devices. How It Works We strive to make AeroFS a simple and elegant …
Pogoplug 62 альтернативы
- Online Backup
- Built In Player
- Built In Viewer
- Built In File Manager
- Unlimited Storage
Pogoplug is cloud storage which provides unlimited storage. Access all your files, photos, music and movies wherever you are. Automatically import your phone's camera roll to your cloud so you …
Ozibox 67 альтернатив
- Cloud Storage
- Free Storage
- Community Cloud
OziBox is a Community Cloud and stands for a totally free Internet that is open to all and developed by anyone who wants to get involved. Store your files in …
Cloud Mate 45 альтернатив
- File Sharing
- Online Backup
- Cloud Management
Cloud Mate brings your clouds together, enabling you to work with both DropBox and Google Drive. • Open Drop Box or Google Drive files in other applications on your device …
netzdrive 47 альтернатив
- Collaboration
- File Sharing
- Online Backup
- Backup And Restore
- File Storage
netzdrive is a cloud collaborating tool with backup and syncronizing features that has an end to end encryption with AES 256. netzdrive is German based, all data is stored in …
Mollify 14 альтернатив
- Web Based
- File Management
- Web File Explorer
- Web File Manager
What is Mollify? Mollify is a web file manager for publishing and managing files hosted in a web server of your choice. Different users can have access to different files …
Probox 47 альтернатив
- Dropbox
- File Sharing
- Online Backup
- File Synchronization
- Folder Sync
Enterprise class online storage that allows your teams to easily and securely access, share and sync files from anywhere, any time, using any device. You don’t take short cuts with …
TheDataLocker 32 альтернативы
- Photo Sharing
- Online Backup
- Backup And Restore
- Remote Backup
- Web Backup
theDataLocker gives you 30GB of free online backup storage allows you to store, backup, retrieve and share any computer data and mobile phone data over the internet to a secured …
PHPfileNavigator 13 альтернатив
- Server
- Script
- Move
- Scripts
PHPfileNavigator is state-of-the-art, open source web based application to complete manage your files and folders. It provides a powerful, reliable and easy web file management with a lots of cool …
PHP File Manager 12 альтернатив
- File Management
- File Upload
- Filesystem Management
phpFileManager is a complete filesystem management tool on a single file. Features: server info, directory tree, copy/move/delete/create/rename/edit/view/chmod files and folders, tar/zip/bzip/gzip, multiple...
Encode Explorer 11 альтернатив
- Php Script
- File Upload
- File Browser
- Folders Browser
Encode Explorer is an easy-to-use php script to use as an index file. It shows files in the server and lets you browse through folders, upload files etc. It is …
eXtplorer File Manager 11 альтернатив
- Webdav
- Ajax
- Файловый Менеджер
- Php Based
- Javascript Based
eXtplorer is a PHP-based File Manager. It allows to browse directories, edit, copy, move, delete, search, upload and download files, create & extract archives, create new files and directories, change …
Limpid Browser 12 альтернатив
- File Sharing
- File Management
- Php Script
- Ajax
- File Upload
Limpid Browser, formerly Ajax File Browser, is an open source PHP/MySql file sharing application designed to be fast simple and powerful. Allows you to share and administer files on your …
Знаете другую альтернативу Seafile?
Добавьте её в этот списокAjaxExplorer 9 альтернатив
- File Management
- Ajax
- File Browsing
Need to handle your server files as easy as OS could? Then this is your stuff! Just upload the file to your server and unzip. Works on most browser.
Monsta FTP 10 альтернатив
- Web Application
- File Sharing
- File Synchronization
- File Hosting
Monsta FTP is open source PHP/Ajax cloudware that puts FTP file management right in your browser, anywhere, any time.
Adobe Acrobat Workspaces 3 альтернативы
- File Storage
- Team Collaboration
- Project Collaboration
- Online Storage
- Presentation
Adobe Acrobat offers Workspaces, a http://suse.me/apps/google-drive/ - like application. Team workspace Work with Acrobat.com – Workspaces to create shared online folders, so anyone on your team can access project files …
Box SimpleShare 36 альтернатив
- File Sharing
- Online Backup
Box SimpleShare allows you to quickly share images and other files directly from your desktop. The product is free and works with any Box account type. Features: * Take and …
Что в этом списке?
Этот список содержит 25 альтернатив приложению Seafile, для таких платформ как: Windows, Онлайн Сервис, macOS, Linux, iPhone, iPad, Android и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.
Последнее обновление списка: 12 декабря 2020 г. 19:52
Вы можете дополнить или изменить информациию о любом приложении на SuggestUse. За внесение любой информации вам будут начислены поинты.
Сортировка альтернатив
Фильтр альтернатив по тегам
- — Общий доступ к файлам • 13
- — Online Backup • 11
- — Синхронизация файлов • 9
- — Управление файлами • 7
- — Файловое хранилище • 5
- — Загрузить Файл • 5
- — синхронизация • 5
- — Dropbox • 4
- — Резервное копирование и восстановление • 4
- — Веб приложение • 3
- — хостинг файлов • 3
- — Веб-Проводник • 3
- — Делиться фотографиями • 3
- — веб-интерфейс • 3
- — Веб-Менеджер Файлов • 3
- — Webdav • 3
- — Аякс • 3
- — Интернет жесткий диск • 3
- — Одноранговой • 3
- — Автономный доступ • 2
- — Делиться файлами • 2
- — Файловый Браузер • 2
- — Встроенный проигрыватель • 2
- — Встроенный просмотрщик • 2
- — Папка синхронизации • 2
- — Календарь • 2
- — Сотрудничество команды • 2
- — Онлайн-Хранилище • 2
- — Файловый Менеджер • 2
- — Совместное участие • 2