Настольные ПК
Мобильные платформы
- Self Hosted • 239 ,
- Palm Pre • 107 ,
- Kindle Fire • 71 ,
- Safari • 69 ,
- Windows Explorer • 68 ,
- Haiku • 61 ,
- Wordpress • 51 ,
- Microsoft Office Outlook • 30 ,
- Adobe Photoshop • 23 ,
- Visual Studio • 23 ,
- Eclipse • 23 ,
- Mozilla Thunderbird • 22 ,
- Net Framework • 21 ,
- 3Ds Max • 18 ,
- Microsoft Excel • 16 ,
- Seamonkey • 14 ,
- Skype • 12 ,
- Wine • 10
GIMP 97 альтернатив
- Image Editing
- Photo Editing
- Graphics
- Photo Retouching
- Perspective
GIMP - бесплатное приложение, используемое для работы с изображениями и охватывающее такой функционал как редактирование фотографий, фотомонтаж и авторское создание изображений. GIMP используется как простой графический редактор, как профессиональный редактор …
Paint.NET 85 альтернатив
- Image Editing
- Photo Editing
- Graphics
- Photoshop
- Web Design
Paint.NET Paint.NET - свободный графический редактор, работающий с растровой графикой, написанный для Microsoft Windows. По функционалу немногим уступает Photoshop, зато более прост в обращении. Имеет весь присущий графическому редактору набор …
Microsoft Paint 76 альтернатив
- Включено В Windows
- Bundled
- Image Editing
- Digital Painting
- Graphics
Paint (formerly Paintbrush) is a simple, ultra-basic graphics painting program that is included with almost all versions of Microsoft Windows. It opens and saves files as Windows bitmap (24-bit, 256 …
Grafx2 15 альтернатив
- Graphic
- Bitmap
GrafX2 is a bitmap paint program inspired by the Amiga programs Deluxe Paint and Brilliance. Specialized in 256-color drawing, it includes a very large number of tools and effects that …
Pixel Studio 66 альтернатив
- Photos
- Image Editing
- Graphic
- Hdr
Pixel is a RGB, CMYK and HDR image editing, photo retouching, graphics manipulating and animation program available for many operating systems formerly known as Pixel32. It is available for Windows, …
ASEPRITE 10 альтернатив
- Gif Animation
- Pixel Art
- Graphic Design
- Graphic Editor
- Icon Editor
ASEPRITE (previously ASE, aka Allegro Sprite Editor) is an open source program to create animated sprites & pixel art. Sprites are little images that can be used in your website …
GraphicsGale 12 альтернатив
- Animation
- Graphics
- Animation Graphic Editor
- Pixel Art
- Animation Graphic
Animation graphic editor easy to use - Powerful tool for spriting and pixel art. Features: supports AVI format (*no audio), supports any bits-per-pixel, real-time preview in editing, multiple layers, onion...
RealWorld Paint 29 альтернатив
- Photos
- Image Editing
- Graphic
- Animation Graphic Editor
- Apng
RealWorld Paint is an free portable image/photo/animation editor. It supports layers with styles and can import and export Photoshop, GIMP and Paint.net images with layers. There are all usual drawing …
FireAlpaca 56 альтернатив
- Image Editing
FireAlpaca is the image editor that can be used readily and easily. We made it possible to provide the completely FREE download, in order for our products to be experienced …
CinePaint 21 альтернатива
- Image Editing
- Graphics
CinePaint is a deep paint application that edits EXR, DPX, 16-bit TIFF, JPEG, PNG and many other types of image files. CinePaint is available as a native application for Linux, …
PixBuilder 49 альтернатив
- Image Editing
- Color Correction
- Layers
- Graphical Editor
Free Photo Editing Software for PC PixBuilder Studio is a free image editing software program for digital photo editing, images processing, and resizing. For digital photo editing, you can use …
Moai 8 альтернатив
- Pixel Art
- 8Bit
- Painter
- Pixel Editor
- Pixel Painter
Moai is a spiritual successor to one of the elder gods of pixel editing: Autodesk Animator. Designed to make detailed pixel work easy while preserving many of Animator's unique processes, …
Cosmigo Pro Motion 8 альтернатив
- Animation
- Animation Graphic Editor
- Game Design
- Animated Gif
- Animation Graphic
Pro Motion is a drawing and animation software for Windows designed similar to the famous Amiga Deluxe Paint (DPaint). It is ideal for artists working on detailed and pixel precise …
PaintCAD 7 альтернатив
- Animation
- Photo Editing
- Graphics
- 3D Painting
- Graphics Editor
PaintCAD is software for pixel-art. With PaintCAD you can: draw pictures in 24bpp or 8bpp color depths, use only keyboard, only mouse or only touchscreen; draw your own PCF fonts …
Draw! 1 альтернатива
- Animation
- Image Editing
- Gif Animation
- Pixel Art
- Pixel
Draw 16 x 16 animated pictures. Draw! is a social flavored online pixel art editor.
PictBear 30 альтернатив
- Image Editing
- Painting
- Paint
- Paintings
- Painter
PictBear is an image editor and paint program that is very friendly toward the beginning user, PictBear is very straightforward and easy to use no matter what your skill level …
Paint +++ 32 альтернативы
- Education
- Graphics And Design
Paint +++aims to fill the need for a basic, streamlined, and Mac-native image editor. Whether you need to quickly crop a photo, add some text to an image, or just …
Home Photo Studio 28 альтернатив
- Photo Effects
- Image Editing
- Photo Editing
- Photo Expressions
Home Photo Studio is powerful and easy-to-use photo editing software offering a complete set of image manipulation tools. Thanks to a convenient interface and a detailed help system, the software …
Знаете другую альтернативу Pixen?
Добавьте её в этот списокSpriter 5 альтернатив
- Game Development
- Animation Graphic Editor
- 2D Animation
- Sprite Editor
Spriter : an intuitive 2D animation tool for video game makers. Spriter enables the “modular” method of animating where, instead of each frame being a single complete image, it is …
NeoPaint 31 альтернатива
- Animation
- Image Editing
- Photo Editing
- Photo Retouching
- Animated Gif
NeoPaint is a full featured artist's studio for Windows that's easy-to-learn, powerful and affordable! It's simple enough for beginners yet packed with powerful features and advanced tools....
Photo Toolbox 30 альтернатив
- Graphics Program
- Raster Editor
Photo Toolbox is an utility software that allows you to edit, retouch and fix your digital photo. It combines many easy to use and very powerful features which can make …
tile studio 8 альтернатив
- Animation
- Graphics
- Animation Graphic Editor
- Gif Animation
- Pixel Art
Tile Studio is a complete development utility for graphics of tile-based games. The application contains a bitmap editor for creating tiles and sprites and a map editor for designing level …
Что в этом списке?
Этот список содержит 22 альтернативы приложению Pixen, для таких платформ как: Windows, macOS, Linux, Онлайн Сервис, Haiku, BSD и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.
Последнее обновление списка: 15 декабря 2014 г. 0:30
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Сортировка альтернатив
Фильтр альтернатив по тегам
- — Редактирование изображения • 12
- — Графика • 7
- — Анимация • 6
- — Пиксель Арт • 6
- — Редактирование фотографий • 5
- — Анимация Графический редактор • 5
- — Графический Редактор • 4
- — Редактор Иконок • 3
- — Растровое изображение • 3
- — Пиксель • 3
- — графический • 3
- — Гиф Анимация • 3
- — Анимированный GIF • 3
- — Графический Дизайн • 2
- — Фотографии • 2
- — Фото ретуширование • 2
- — Spriting • 2
- — 8бит • 2
- — Художник • 2
- — Графическая Анимация • 2
- — Спрайт • 2
- — Редактор Пиксела • 2
- — Слои • 1
- — Картины • 1
- — Пиксель Художник • 1
- — Включено В ОС Windows • 1
- — Сдвиг объектива • 1
- — Гиф • 1
- — 3D живописи • 1
- — Разработка игр • 1