
Box Kde Window Manager Gnome Fluxbox

Openbox is a highly configurable, next generation window manager with extensive standards support. The *box visual style is well known for its minimalistic appearance. Openbox uses the *box visual style,...

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Альтернативы приложению Openbox

awesome 13 альтернатив

  • Window Manager
  • Tiling
  • X11

awesome is a highly configurable, next generation framework window manager for X. It is very fast, extensible and licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license. It is primarily targeted at power …

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Xmonad 12 альтернатив

  • Window Manager
  • Tiling
  • X11

xmonad is a dynamically tiling X11 window manager that is written and configured in Haskell. In a normal WM, you spend half your time aligning and searching for windows. xmonad …

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Знаете другую альтернативу Openbox?

Добавьте её в этот список

i3 13 альтернатив

  • Window Manager
  • Tiling
  • X11
  • Xcb

i3 is a dynamic tiling window manager with clean, readable and documented code, featuring extended Xinerama support, usage of libxcb instead of xlib and several improvements over wmii.

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dwm 11 альтернатив

  • Window Management
  • Window Manager
  • Dynamic
  • X11
  • X Window System

dwm is a dynamic window manager for X. It manages windows in tiled, monocle and floating layouts. All of the layouts can be applied dynamically, optimising the environment for the …

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IceWM 12 альтернатив

  • Window Management
  • Window Manager
  • X11

IceWM is a window manager for the X Window System (freedesktop, XFree86). The goal of IceWM is speed, simplicity, and not getting in the user's way.

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wmii 14 альтернатив

  • Window Manager
  • Tiling
  • X11

wmii is a small, dynamic window manager for X11. It is scriptable, has a 9p filesystem interface and supports classic and tiling (acme-like) window management. It aims to maintain a …

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Что в этом списке?

Этот список содержит 14 альтернатив приложению Openbox, для таких платформ как: Linux, macOS, BSD, Windows и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.

Последнее обновление списка: 14 декабря 2014 г. 18:21

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