HIARCS Chess Explorer

Chess Chess Program Chessbase

World class chess database, analysis and playing software for PC and Mac

Платно Windows macOS

Альтернативы приложению HIARCS Chess Explorer

Arena 19 альтернатив

  • Chess
  • Uci

Arena is a FREE available Graphical User Interface (GUI) for chess programs (engines) by Martin Blume. Arena runs on Win95, NT4 or higher Microsoft OS versions. Arena is compatible to …


Shredder Chess 19 альтернатив

  • Analysis
  • Game
  • Chess
  • Grandmaster

The Shredder chess programs by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen provide a game playing and analysis tool for everybody and are accepted as one of the best chess programs of the world. Since …

Windows Mobile

Chessmaster 18 альтернатив

  • Chess
  • Chess Program

Chessmaster is a chess playing computer game series which is now owned and developed by Ubisoft. It is the best-selling chess franchise in history, with more than five million units …


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Scid vs. PC 9 альтернатив

  • Database
  • Chess
  • Fics
  • Chess Client

Shane's Chess Information Database is a powerful Chess Toolkit, with which one can create huge chess databases, run engine analysis, or play casual games against the computer or online with …

Открытое ПO

Fritz 16 альтернатив

  • Chess
  • Chess Program
  • Chess Client
  • Deep

Fritz is the world’s most popular chess program, developed by ChessBase, “the world's leading chess software company” (Washington Post). Whether you are a beginner, club player or professional – Fritz …


Tarrasch Chess GUI 16 альтернатив

  • Lightweight
  • Chess
  • Uci
  • Chess Client
  • Tarrasch

Tarrasch is a flexible, minimalist, and easy to use chess GUI. It is ideal for playing against and training with chess engines. Tarrasch has a built in engine but can …


Battle vs. Chess 16 альтернатив

  • Chess
  • Chess Program

Battle vs. Chess is a computer game version of chess developed by Targem Games and Zuxxez Entertainment and published by TopWare Interactive. It was released on May 17, 2011 for …


Что в этом списке?

Этот список содержит 7 альтернатив приложению HIARCS Chess Explorer, для таких платформ как: Windows, macOS, iPhone, Windows Mobile, Linux, Android, Java и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.

Последнее обновление списка: 14 декабря 2014 г. 18:14

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