GO Launcher EX

Skinnable Launcher Home Screen Replacement

GO Launcher is one of the most popular home apps in Android Market. It’s a highly customizable home replacement application, which will run when you press your android phone’s HOME key. GO Launcher EX...

Бесплатно Android Kindle Fire

Альтернативы приложению GO Launcher EX

Apex Launcher 16 альтернатив

  • Backup And Restore
  • Customization
  • Launcher
  • Android Launcher
  • Home Screen Replacement

Powerful, fast, and highly customizable home replacement for Android 4.0+. Apex Launcher helps you create a customized homescreen experience on your Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) device. Features: ...

Android Tablet

Nova Launcher 16 альтернатив

  • Gestures
  • Backup And Restore
  • Scrolling
  • Launcher
  • Android Launcher

Nova Launcher is an highly customizable, performance driven, home screen replacement for Android 4.0+ Features include: Color Themes Change the ascent color of the launcher, full color picker support ...

Android Tablet

ADW.Launcher 18 альтернатив

  • Android Launcher
  • Home Screen Replacement

This Launcher is a open source Launcher for Android. Started as a playground for javandroid learning, it’s become a full featured Launcher replacement with some great modifications.

Android Tablet

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Smart Launcher 16 альтернатив

  • Lightweight
  • Launcher
  • Android Launcher

Smart Launcher is an innovative launcher, minimalist design, low resource and user-friendly interface which allows you to launch any application in a few keys. It's currently the only launcher of …

Android Tablet

Chameleon Launcher 16 альтернатив

  • Android Launcher
  • Android Theme

Chameleon is a revolutionary tablet-specific launcher that lets you create multiple home screens, each with your own layout of widgets and apps. The Chameleon system includes an innovative context based …

Android Tablet

Facebook Home 16 альтернатив

  • Facebook Chat
  • Facebook Client
  • Facebook Integration
  • Social Networking
  • Push Notifications

Facebook Home is the mobile experience that puts your friends at the heart of your phone. From the moment you turn it on, you see a steady stream of friends' …

Android Tablet

Espier Launcher 17 альтернатив

  • Launcher
  • Android Launcher
  • Home Screen Replacement
  • Iphone Style

Espier Launcher is a desktop for your smartphone or tablet which is based on Android 2.2 or later. It brings you an entirely new interaction experience, and makes your smartphone …

Android Tablet

Что в этом списке?

Этот список содержит 16 альтернатив приложению GO Launcher EX, для таких платформ как: Android, Android Tablet и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.

Последнее обновление списка: 20 февраля 2014 г. 10:36

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