Настольные ПК
Мобильные платформы
- Self Hosted • 239 ,
- Palm Pre • 107 ,
- Kindle Fire • 71 ,
- Safari • 69 ,
- Windows Explorer • 68 ,
- Haiku • 61 ,
- Wordpress • 51 ,
- Microsoft Office Outlook • 30 ,
- Adobe Photoshop • 23 ,
- Visual Studio • 23 ,
- Eclipse • 23 ,
- Mozilla Thunderbird • 22 ,
- Net Framework • 21 ,
- 3Ds Max • 18 ,
- Microsoft Excel • 16 ,
- Seamonkey • 14 ,
- Skype • 12 ,
- Wine • 10
Pinterest 25 альтернатив
- Imageboard
- Social Photo Sharing
- Social Bookmarking
- Collection
Think of Pinterest as a virtual pinboard — a place where you can create collections of things you love and "follow" collections created by people with great taste. People use …
Pinboard 43 альтернативы
- Bookmarks
- Social Bookmarking
- Bookmarking Service
Pinboard is a bookmarking website intended for people who want to reliably keep track of large numbers of links. Its goals are to be useful, fight bloat, keep things fast, …
Zootool 25 альтернатив
- Bookmark Organize
- Bookmark Manager
- Share Bookmarks
- Visual Bookmarks
Zootool - a visual bookmarks tool, is about collecting, organizing and sharing your favorite images, videos, documents and links from all over the internet.
memit 15 альтернатив
- Социальная Сеть
- Curations
- Curating
- Web Tool
Memit is a social knowledge management service (both web and mobile) that is built to make people smarter based on the content they collect, process and publish. It is the …
Tizmos 24 альтернативы
- Education
- Resource Management
- Share Links
- Teachers Software
- Classroom Management
Share websites & videos with your class using student-friendly visual bookmarks. A free account is available: it provides you with one folder and an upper limit of 30 tizmos for …
vi.sualize.us 33 альтернативы
- Images
- Visual Content
- Bookmarks
- Tagging
- Bookmarking
A social bookmarking website for visual contents — vi.sualize.us allows you to remember your favorite images around the web, and share them with everyone. Sometimes, you are looking through pictures …
weheartit.com 13 альтернатив
- Browser Addon
- Image Sharing
We Heart It lets you create an online album (a heart) with your favorite images and videos. At the same time you can see what other people are adding to …
Icebergs 10 альтернатив
- Organizer
- Organization
Visual organization for creative minds. The perfect place in the cloud for your daily research, projects and online inspiration. Collect and organize websites, pictures, text, notes, files. Enjoy your...
ScissorsFly 9 альтернатив
- Scrapbook
- Collect
- Web Clip
ScissorsFly is the easiest and most intuitive way to collect, organize and share your favorites from the web. Just one click is needed for installing the Chrome Extension and you …
Keeeb 9 альтернатив
- Save Web Page
- Collect
- Research
- Bookmarks
- Content Curation
Keeeb.it is the easiest tool to save, restructure and share the web. Every day we surf the web. Search and find interesting information in articles, pictures and videos. But, what …
Yummymarks 34 альтернативы
- Bookmarks
- Bookmarking
- Social Bookmarking
- Bookmark Manager
- Share Bookmarks
yummymarks is a simple, beautiful way of keeping track of the websites you love. yummymarks allows you to take your bookmarks to any computer, and works with any browser. You …
Dragdis 10 альтернатив
- Drag And Drop
- Content Management
- Bookmarking
- Save Links
- Web Clip
Dragdis is the simplest way to collect the web! Collect images, videos, texts and links from any website with one drag&drop. Later find things fast with contextual search on dragdis.com
Etceter 8 альтернатив
- Clipboard Tool
- Web Clip
Etceter, a new way of arranging and sharing knowledge.
Mammoth 9 альтернатив
- Box
- Note Taking
- Save Web Page
- Clipboard Tool
- Clipboard Save
Simplify Your Online Life Sweet looking, thought saving, drag-n-dropping, conversational, editable, publishable, boards to keep all your links, pictures, quotes, files and more in a single, referenceable,...
Pinspire 21 альтернатива
- Image Sharing
- Imageboard
- Discovery Engine
Discover, collect, and share images you love on Pinspire. Use Pinspire to decorate your space, discover your next vacation spot, or find a perfect gift. Create your own collections of …
Clipular 12 альтернатив
- Scrapbook
- Snapshot
- Web Clip
Camera & scrapbook for the web on Chrome. Snapshot anything - chats, video, games, articles... and save automatically. Then you can publish your screenshot collection w/ templates.
Latis 27 альтернатив
- Note Taking
- Snippets Manager
- Chrome Extension
- Read Later
- Save Web Page
Latis is a visual way to bookmark, collect and explore the useful snippets of text, images and pages you find memorable. Latis makes it easy to collect useful content by …
Draggo 33 альтернативы
- Links
- Bookmarks
- Bookmarking
- Social Bookmarking
- Favorites
Draggo is the best way to save, organize, and access all your favorite links from any online location.
hashtbl 10 альтернатив
- Read Later
- Links
- Bookmarks
- Bookmark Manager
Store, Search and Share your links easily with hashTBL.
Crossart 14 альтернатив
- Animation
- Art
- Web Design
- Themes
- Gaming
CrossArt is a community dedicated to the sharing and promotion of all forms of artistic expression and created works of art.
clickb.in 14 альтернатив
- Bookmarks
- Bookmarking
- Social Bookmarking
- Bookmark Manager
easily collect and organize the things you find online - bookmarking done right
Знаете другую альтернативу Gimmebar?
Добавьте её в этот списокMinilogs 32 альтернативы
- Collaboration
- Content Management
- Bookmarking
- Social Bookmarking
Minilogs is a new way to collect and share anything you like on the web. With Minilogs you can create collections of links (playlists), which we call logs. Each log …
Indulgy 15 альтернатив
- Social Sharing
- Indulgy Community
Indulgy.com be the Creator of your perfect world. Everyone has his own internal world. Everyone wants this world to be perfect. Social aspect of a person, is just a tool …
Wookmark 23 альтернативы
- Images
- Социальная Сеть
- Visual Bookmarks
- Pinboard
- Curations
Pinboard for interesting images that inspire.
Wish 16 альтернатив
- Products
- Discounts
- Wishlist
- Rewards
Wish is a social recommendations engine that lets you wish for products you like and get exclusive discounts for them.
Что в этом списке?
Этот список содержит 26 альтернатив приложению Gimmebar, для таких платформ как: Онлайн Сервис, iPhone, iPad, Android, macOS, Google Chrome, Windows и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.
Последнее обновление списка: 15 декабря 2014 г. 0:52
Вы можете дополнить или изменить информациию о любом приложении на SuggestUse. За внесение любой информации вам будут начислены поинты.
Сортировка альтернатив
Фильтр альтернатив по тегам
- — Менеджер Закладок • 7
- — Закладки • 7
- — Закладки • 7
- — Социальные Закладки • 7
- — Веб-Клип • 5
- — Визуальные Закладки • 4
- — Сохранить Веб-Страницу • 3
- — Заметки • 3
- — Собирать • 2
- — Социальная сеть • 2
- — альбом • 2
- — Инструмент Буфер Обмена • 2
- — Обмен Изображения • 2
- — Управления Контентом • 2
- — Имиджборд • 2
- — Curations • 2
- — Курирование Контента • 2
- — Закладка Организовать • 2
- — Визуальный Контент • 2
- — Вкусные • 2
- — Прочитать Позже • 2
- — Закладки Закладки • 2
- — Ссылки • 2
- — Ведение заметок • 2
- — Картинки • 2
- — Коллекция • 1
- — Фотография • 1
- — Фрагменты Текста • 1
- — Исследования • 1
- — Хотелки • 1