Настольные ПК
Мобильные платформы
- Self Hosted • 239 ,
- Palm Pre • 107 ,
- Kindle Fire • 71 ,
- Safari • 69 ,
- Windows Explorer • 68 ,
- Haiku • 61 ,
- Wordpress • 51 ,
- Microsoft Office Outlook • 30 ,
- Adobe Photoshop • 23 ,
- Visual Studio • 23 ,
- Eclipse • 23 ,
- Mozilla Thunderbird • 22 ,
- Net Framework • 21 ,
- 3Ds Max • 18 ,
- Microsoft Excel • 16 ,
- Seamonkey • 14 ,
- Skype • 12 ,
- Wine • 10
Feedly - бесплатное приложение, предназначенное для просмотра RSS-лент. После закрытия Google Reader Feedly приняло в свои ряды более 500000 пользователей, увеличив их число в 2013 году до 12 миллионов. Для использования приложения необходимо иметь Google аккаунт. Feedly позволяет просматривать каналы на которые вы подписаны, добавлять новые, помечать новости как прочитанные. Feedly обучен давать рекомендации по новым каналам исходя из ваших предпочтений, а также строить RSS-журнал по новостям с наиболее высоким рейтингом. Также предусмотрена интеграция с социальными сетями, что дает возможность сразу делиться интересными новостями. Feedly имеет очень приятный и лаконичный дизайн, прост в обращении и является достойной заменой Google Reader.
RSSOwl 180 альтернатив
- Integrated Web Browser
- Multi Language
- Integrated Search
- Rss Feed Reader
- Feed Reader
RSSOwl collects data from RSS-compliant sites are called RSS readers or "aggregators. RSSOwl lets you gather, organize, update, and store information from any compliant source in a convenient, easy to...
Tiny Tiny RSS 188 альтернатив
- Web Based
- Podcasts
- Rss Feed Reader
- Atom
- Opml Import
Tiny Tiny RSS is a web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) aggregator, written in PHP/MySQL and designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a …
CommaFeed 185 альтернатив
- Rss Feed Reader
- Google Reader Import
Google Reader inspired self-hosted RSS reader, based on JAX-RS, Wicket and AngularJS. Deploy on your own server (using TomEE, a lightweight JavaEE6 container based on Tomcat) or even in the …
Liferea 177 альтернатив
- Rss Feed Reader
- Feed Reader
- News Reader
- News Aggregator
- News Feed
Liferea (Linux Feed Reader) is an aggregator for online news feeds and weblogs. There are many other news readers available, but these others are not available for Linux or require …
QuiteRSS 103 альтернативы
- Integrated Web Browser
- Multi Language
- Popup Notifications
- Rss Feed Reader
- Feed Reader
RSS/Atom feed reader written on Qt. Features Feed and news filters: new, unread, starred, deleted (for news until restart application) User filters Proxy configuration: automatic or manual...
Go Read 41 альтернатива
- Web Based
- Rss Feed Reader
- Atom
- Google Reader Import
- Opml Import
Go Read is a web-based RSS reader. It is designed to be as useful as Google Reader . Built by Matt Jibson. Runs on Google App Engine. Powered by Go …
NewsRob 25 альтернатив
- Gestures
- Share On Twitter
- Rss Feed Reader
- News Reader
- Share News
[NewsRob was discontinued with http://suse.me/apps/google-reader/ on 1st July 2013 and the source code was released under the MIT open source license.] NewsRob was a Google Reader client, an RSS/Atom newsreader. …
Miniflux 26 альтернатив
- Lightweight
- Web Based
- Rss Feed Reader
- Opml Import
- News Aggregator
Miniflux is a minimalist web-based RSS reader. It's very easy to use. The page layout is optimized for readability. Moreover, Miniflux removes automatically Ads and pixel trackers. To install Miniflux,...
Vienna 26 альтернатив
- Integrated Web Browser
- Multi Language
- Integrated Search
- Rss Feed Reader
- Feed Reader
Vienna is an RSS/Atom newsreader for Mac OS X, packed with powerful features that help you make sense of the flood of information that is distributed via these formats today. …
Newsbeuter 33 альтернативы
- Multi Language
- Command Line
- Rss Feed Reader
- Feed Reader
- Atom
Newsbeuter is an open-source RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals. It runs on Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X and other Unix-like operating systems. Newsbeuter's great configurability and vast number of...
NewsFox 28 альтернатив
- Browser Addon
- Firefox Extension
- Rss Feed Reader
- News Reader
- Atom
NewsFox is an efficient 3-pane(email) style Atom/RSS feed reader. NewsFox allows you to group your feeds as you wish, read feed content offline, update feeds when you want, 1-click subscribe …
Super Google Reader 25 альтернатив
- Chrome Extension
- Rss Feed Reader
- Rss
- Google Reader Client
- Full Feed
Super Google Reader is an extension for Google Chrome that expands truncated feeds into full content feeds for Google Reader. Each feed and folder can be given its own individual …
Sismics Reader 27 альтернатив
- Integrated Search
- Feed Reader
- Atom
- Opml Import
- Rss
Looking for a simple and open feed reader? Free, open source, easy to use, Sismics Reader is what you need to keep your feeds under control. Central Access all your …
Planet 26 альтернатив
- Rss Feed Reader
- Feed Reader
- Atom
- News Aggregator
- Rdf
Planet is a feed (atom, rss) aggregator and reader. It downloads news feeds published online aggregates their content together into a single combined feed in html, rss and atom form, …
rsslounge 25 альтернатив
- Rss Feed Reader
- News Aggregator
rsslounge aggregator is a web based rss feed reader. organize and read your feeds, set priorities, filter your feeds and items and fetch news, images and photos in a really …
RSS Desktop Aggregator 26 альтернатив
- Rss Feed Reader
- News Reader
- News Aggregator
- Rss Feeds
- Rss
RSS Desktop Aggregator is a work in progress C# 4.0 productivity and time saver app that read and display RSS feeds and Outlook Items. Some of Desktop Aggregator Features are: …
Snackr 25 альтернатив
- Rss Feed Reader
- Rss
- Air Application
- Ticker
Snackr was built using Adobe Flex 3 and Adobe AIR 1.0. It's an RSS ticker that pulls random items from your feeds and scrolls them across your desktop. When you …
Canto 11 альтернатив
- Command Line
- Rss Feed Reader
- Atom
- Opml Import
- News Aggregator
Canto is an Atom/RSS feed reader for the console that is meant to be quick, concise, and colorful. It's meant to allow you to crank through feeds like you've never …
moonmoon 25 альтернатив
- Web Based
- News Aggregator
- Php Application
Moonmoon is a web based aggregator similar to http://suse.me/apps/planet/ . It can be used to blend articles from different blogs with same interests into a single page. Moonmoon is stupidly …
Rss-Aware 25 альтернатив
- Rss Feed Reader
- Python App
It is a program written in python that uses notify-osd to notify you about updates to a website using it's rss feed and appindicator to let you access that post. …
Naufrago! 25 альтернатив
- Multi Language
- Rss Feed Reader
- Feed Reader
- News Reader
- Opml Import
Naufrago is a desktop based RSS reader. You can import/export feed files in the OPML format, arrange feeds into folders and see favicons for quick visual identification. For someone looking …
Знаете другую альтернативу Feedly?
Добавьте её в этот списокRnews 24 альтернативы
- Feed Reader
- News Aggregator
- Server Side
- Php Application
Rnews is a server-side feed aggregator that can manage your hundreds of RSS and Atom feeds. It is: - Easy. You interact with the aggregator with your web browser, where …
RSS Bandit 25 альтернатив
- Integrated Web Browser
- Rss Feed Reader
- Feed Reader
- Atom
- Tabbed Browsing
RSS Bandit is a standalone reader that has many attractive features, allowing a user to merge news headlines from multiple sources onto a single page, and organize articles based on …
RSS Guard 28 альтернатив
- Lightweight
- Integrated Web Browser
- Multi Language
- Tabbed Interface
- Rss Feed Reader
RSS Guard is useful and (very) tiny RSS 0.92/1.0/2.0 & ATOM 1.0 feed reader developed using the Qt framework.. It can keep feeds organized in categories, update information from them …
Readable.cc 25 альтернатив
- Feed Reader
- News Reader
- Atom
The readable feed reader. Promotes interesting articles to the top of your personalised reading list.
Что в этом списке?
Этот список содержит 195 альтернатив приложению Feedly, для таких платформ как: Windows, Linux, Онлайн Сервис, macOS, Self Hosted, Android, Android Tablet и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.
Последнее обновление списка: 29 января 2015 г. 14:34
Вы можете дополнить или изменить информациию о любом приложении на SuggestUse. За внесение любой информации вам будут начислены поинты.
Сортировка альтернатив
Фильтр альтернатив по тегам
- — Чтение RSS лент • 31
- — Агрегатор Новостей • 19
- — Чтение фидов • 19
- — Атом • 16
- — RSS-канал • 13
- — Импорт OPML • 12
- — Новости • 12
- — Многоязычный • 7
- — веб-интерфейс • 5
- — Приложения PHP • 5
- — Встроенный веб-браузер • 5
- — Интегрированный поиск • 4
- — Чтения В Автономном Режиме • 4
- — Новости • 4
- — Клиент Для Google Читатель • 3
- — На Стороне Сервера • 3
- — Лента Новостей • 3
- — Командная строка • 2
- — OPML Экспорт • 2
- — Вкладками • 2
- — Импорта Google-Ридер • 2
- — RSS-Каналы • 2
- — облегченный • 2
- — Расширение Firefox • 2
- — Поделиться Новостью • 2
- — Приложение Python • 2
- — В Google Reader Синхронизации • 2
- — Аддон Браузера • 1
- — Всплывающие уведомления • 1
- — Расширение Chrome • 1