Настольные ПК
Мобильные платформы
- Self Hosted • 239 ,
- Palm Pre • 107 ,
- Kindle Fire • 71 ,
- Safari • 69 ,
- Windows Explorer • 68 ,
- Haiku • 61 ,
- Wordpress • 51 ,
- Microsoft Office Outlook • 30 ,
- Adobe Photoshop • 23 ,
- Visual Studio • 23 ,
- Eclipse • 23 ,
- Mozilla Thunderbird • 22 ,
- Net Framework • 21 ,
- 3Ds Max • 18 ,
- Microsoft Excel • 16 ,
- Seamonkey • 14 ,
- Skype • 12 ,
- Wine • 10
CloudApp is a dead-simple way to share files, screenshots, almost anything, quickly and seamlessly. CloudApp allows you to share images, links, music, videos and files. Here is how it works: choose a file,...
Dropbox 170 альтернатив
- File Sharing
- Online Backup
- File Synchronization
- Backup And Restore
- Built In Player
Dropbox — облачное хранилище данных, позволяет пользователю размещать файлы на удалённых серверах при помощи клиента или с использованием веб-интерфейса через браузер. При установке клиентского программного обеспечения Dropbox на компьютере создается …
Google Drive 176 альтернатив
- File Sharing
- Online Backup
- File Synchronization
- Online Harddrive
- File Storage
Google Drive (Google Диск) - облачное хранилище от Google, предоставляющее возможность бесплатно загружать, хранить и обмениваться файлами. Хранилище в объеме до 15 гигабайт предоставляется бесплатно. Объем диска для личного использования …
ownCloud 110 альтернатив
- Share Photos
- Photo Sharing
- Web Application
- File Synchronization
- Synchronization
ownCloud gives you web services under your control. It is a self-hosted open source platform with file sync & sharing at its core and available clients for desktop and mobile. …
MEGA 146 альтернатив
- Online Backup
- File Hosting
- Hosts File
- File Upload
MEGA is a so-called cloud storage provider. It offers free and paid Internet-accessible storage space and bandwidth. It allows you to store and access your files from within your browser …
Tonido 107 альтернатив
- Photo Sharing
- File Sharing
- File Synchronization
- Backup And Restore
- Calendar
Tonido allows you to access and share your content directly through a web browser without uploading or worrying about storage limits. Share files, music, photos and calendar, download torrents and …
SparkleShare 42 альтернативы
- Collaboration
- Dropbox
- File Sharing
- Synchronization
- Backup
SparkleShare is a Free Open Source syncing tool. Its light, secure and easy to use. SparkleShare allows you to setup your own servers so you always keep control on you …
ge.tt 124 альтернативы
- File Hosting
- Share Files
- Twitter Integration
- Upload Files
- Gmail Integration
Ge.tt is a clever, instant file-sharing webapp that makes sharing files simple and fast. No need to wait for files to upload! You are given a link for your files …
drop.io 13 альтернатив
- File Sharing
- Online Backup
- Backup And Restore
- Share Files
- Social Bookmarking
Drop.io was shut down on December 15, 2010. Use drop.io to privately share your files and collaborate in real time by web, email, phone, mobile, and more. Create each drop …
Droplr 74 альтернативы
- Drag And Drop
- File Sharing
- Share Files
- Share Images
- Upload Files
Droplr is a tiny application that aims at helping people share things easier. Every day people come across many situations in which they need to share something with someone else. …
ShareX 109 альтернатив
- Screenshots
- Screen Capture
- File Upload
- Upload Files
- Uploader
ShareX is an open source program that lets you take screenshots of any selected area with a single key, save them in your clipboard, hard disk or instantly upload them …
puush 27 альтернатив
- Screenshots
- Screen Capture
- Screenshot Sharing
puush is a super-quick way to share screenshots and files. Quickly capture any portion of your screen, upload any file, and share them with a short URL automatically placed in …
FluffyApp 12 альтернатив
- Share Files
- Upload Files
- Uploader
- Upload Screenshot
- Screenshot Sharing
FluffyApp is a Windows client for CloudApp. Super simple sharing for files, links, text and screenshots. In one little app.
drop.st 8 альтернатив
- Images
- File Hosting
- File Upload
- Image Hosting
- Image Host
Drop.st allows you to share all kinds of files fast and easily by dragging them onto the upload area directly within the browser - no additional software required.
GoAruna 40 альтернатив
- File Sharing
- Share Files
- Cross Platform
- Unlimited
This is the desktop client for the file sharing service, GoAruna. Just sign up for an Account and you're all set to go. GoAruna features a nice web interface where …
FilesAnywhere 96 альтернатив
- Collaboration
- Online Backup
- Folder Sync
- Integrated Search
- Document Viewer
FilesAnywhere offers free 1GB online file storage, with cloud storage solutions for Internet backup, file sharing, secure FTP hosting, and web folders for collaboration. Come enjoy the security of...
Ozibox 67 альтернатив
- Cloud Storage
- Free Storage
- Community Cloud
OziBox is a Community Cloud and stands for a totally free Internet that is open to all and developed by anyone who wants to get involved. Store your files in …
Volafile 62 альтернативы
- File Sharing
- File Storage
- File Hosting
- Share Files
- Real Time
Volafile.io offers real time filesharing and fast downloads without delays or annoying countdowns. Users can share files in 'rooms', each with a chat and a filelist.
NoCap 12 альтернатив
- Url Shortening
- File Upload
- Upload Files
- Image Uploader
- Upload Screenshot
NoCap makes sharing your files and screenshots fast easy. NoCap comes with absolutely no caps and catches, without relying on its native server for storing and sharing data, it supports …
Filecanyon 66 альтернатив
- File Sharing
- Online Backup
- File Storage
- File Hosting
- Share Files
Upload, backup & share your files with everyone.
Neox Screen 23 альтернативы
- Screen Capture
- Screenshot Utility
- Screenshot Sharing
- Screencapture
- Screen Shot
Neox Screen is a free lightweight screenshot sharing application, which automates all the steps needed for creating and sharing screenshots and other files.
AnonFiles.com 70 альтернатив
- File Sharing
- Online Backup
- File Storage
- File Hosting
- Share Files
Upload your files anonymously and free on AnonFiles.com. It offer you hotlinking, 500 MB filesize limit and unlimited bandwidth. AnonFiles.com is NOT a replacement for MegaUpload. They do not allow …
Знаете другую альтернативу CloudApp?
Добавьте её в этот списокSlingshot 28 альтернатив
- Screen Capture
- Dropbox Support
- Upload Screenshot
- Screenshot Utility
- Screenshot Sharing
Slingshot streamlines screen shot sharing. Just take a screen shot and paste the link. Command-Shift-4 + Command-V Slingshot automatically uploads screen shots you capture to a service of your choice …
myVdrive 31 альтернатива
- File Sharing
- Online Backup
- Backup And Restore
- File Storage
- File Hosting
myvdrive.com provides free file sharing and hosting service with unlimited file storage.
FileSend 19 альтернатив
- File Sharing
- Backup And Restore
- File Storage
- File Hosting
- Temporary Files
FileSend is a free file hosting and delivery service generally used to send files that are too large for email. We offer a generous 500 MB of space to upload …
FileFrontier 19 альтернатив
- File Sharing
- File Hosting
- Share Files
- Upload Files
FileFrontier allows you to host and share all your files: upload unlimited files of any type, up to 250MB each. Go Premium and get Unlimted Speed! * Secure and unlimited …
Что в этом списке?
Этот список содержит 70 альтернатив приложению CloudApp, для таких платформ как: Онлайн Сервис, Windows, macOS, iPhone, Android, iPad, Linux и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.
Последнее обновление списка: 12 декабря 2020 г. 19:52
Вы можете дополнить или изменить информациию о любом приложении на SuggestUse. За внесение любой информации вам будут начислены поинты.
Сортировка альтернатив
Фильтр альтернатив по тегам
- — Общий доступ к файлам • 51
- — Делиться файлами • 50
- — Загрузить Файл • 48
- — хостинг файлов • 47
- — Файловое хранилище • 42
- — Онлайн-Хранилище • 27
- — Хранение • 25
- — Online Backup • 19
- — Загружать Файлы • 10
- — Обмена Скриншот • 7
- — Резервное копирование и восстановление • 6
- — Захват экрана • 5
- — Загрузить Скриншот • 5
- — Утилита для скриншотов • 4
- — Синхронизация файлов • 4
- — Аплоудер • 4
- — Потоковое воспроизведение музыки • 3
- — Загрузка Изображений • 3
- — синхронизация • 3
- — Совместное участие • 3
- — Интернет жесткий диск • 2
- — Webdav • 2
- — Делиться фотографиями • 2
- — Папка синхронизации • 2
- — Календарь • 2
- — Общий Экран • 2
- — Скриншоты • 2
- — Интегрированный поиск • 2
- — Просмотр документов • 2
- — Скриншот • 2