Настольные ПК
Мобильные платформы
- Self Hosted • 239 ,
- Palm Pre • 107 ,
- Kindle Fire • 71 ,
- Safari • 69 ,
- Windows Explorer • 68 ,
- Haiku • 61 ,
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- Microsoft Office Outlook • 30 ,
- Adobe Photoshop • 23 ,
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- Mozilla Thunderbird • 22 ,
- Net Framework • 21 ,
- 3Ds Max • 18 ,
- Microsoft Excel • 16 ,
- Seamonkey • 14 ,
- Skype • 12 ,
- Wine • 10
Archimedes is a free and open source CAD (Computer Aided Design) software. It is a robust system built over Eclipse’s Rich Client Java Platform fully based on plug ins. This means it is easily extensible but...
DraftSight 35 альтернатив
- Design
- Drafting
- Engineering
- Architecture
DraftSight is a professional-grade, open 2D CAD product for users who want a better way to read, write and share DWG files. DraftSight is easy to use and is available …
LibreCAD 31 альтернатива
- Drawing
- Dxf
- Draft
LibreCAD (previously CADuntu) is a 2D CAD drawing tool based on the community edition of QCad. LibreCAD has been re-structured and ported to qt4 and works natively cross platform between …
BRL-CAD 33 альтернативы
- Modeling
- Engineering
- Geometry
BRL-CAD is a powerful cross-platform open source solid modeling system that includes interactive geometry editing, high-performance ray-tracing for rendering and geometric analysis, image and signal-processing...
Bricscad 33 альтернативы
- Engineering
- Architecture
- Dwg
- Direct Modeling
Bricscad integrates intelligent 3D direct modeling with the familiar 2D feature set of native .dwg. The user interface allows you to model and design with unmatched speed. It supports hundreds …
QCAD 31 альтернатива
- Modeling
- Drafting
- Engineering
- Architecture
QCAD is an application for computer aided drafting in 2D. With QCAD you can create technical drawings such as plans for buildings, interiors, mechanical parts or schemas and diagrams. QCad …
OpenSCAD 35 альтернатив
- 3D Modeling
- 3D Graphics
- 3D Cad
OpenSCAD is a software for creating solid 3D CAD objects. It is free software and available for Linux/UNIX, MS Windows and Apples OS X. Unlike most free software for creating …
QCAD Community Edition 17 альтернатив
- Modeling
- Drafting
- Engineering
- Architecture
QCad Community Edition is an open source edition of RibbonSoft's CAD system. QCad is a 2D CAD application that aims at being simple enough for anyone to use - even …
Arcad 26 альтернатив
- Calculation
The ARCAD Systemhaus offers with the CAD and AVA system a professional industry-specific solution for the operating system LINUX. As on a 3D volume model based software ARCAD offers you …
Medusa4 23 альтернативы
- Cad Environment
- Computer Aided Design
MEDUSA4: The comprehensive 2D/3D design automation suite for mechanical, plant, construction and automotive engineering The Fourth Generation of the globally renowned MEDUSA mechanical design software suite...
ARES Commander 15 альтернатив
- Drafting
- Autocad
All the productive tools and smart features for 2D drafting and design that you expect at a reasonable price. With DWG 2010 as its primary drawing file format and DXF …
AutoQ3D Community 20 альтернатив
- 3D Modeling
A complete 3D modeling application for computing aided drafting in three dimensions. AutoQ3D can be used by anyone who wants an easy way to imagine, create, and publish in 3D. …
Знаете другую альтернативу Archimedes?
Добавьте её в этот списокAutoQ3D CAD 27 альтернатив
- Models
AutoQ3D CAD is a software tool to help you create 2D & 3D technical drawings and sketchings designs as well. AutoQ3D CAD is easy to use and fast that makes …
SagCAD 14 альтернатив
- Modeling
- Drafting
- Engineering
- Architecture
Easy to use 2D Computer Aided Drafting and Modelling application. Features: import/export of .dxf files, Ellipse, Polyline, SPLINE, BSPLINE, possibility to glue external programs via shell commands, CAM Module...
Cycas 20 альтернатив
- Architecture
- Computer Aided Design
- Architectural Design
CYCAS architectural CAD software for Linux and Windows. CYCAS is a piece of architectural software for drafting and design in 2 + 3 dimensions. In addition to typical CAD functions, …
AutoQ3D Animation 22 альтернативы
- Animation
AutoQ3D Animation is an easy 3D CAD with animation capabilities. It is suitable for anyone interested in learning 3D CAD and Animation before using more sophisticated packages. Its animation capabilities …
Что в этом списке?
Этот список содержит 31 альтернативу приложению Archimedes, для таких платформ как: Windows, Linux, macOS, iPad, Онлайн Сервис, Windows Phone, iPhone и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.
Последнее обновление списка: 13 декабря 2020 г. 0:02
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Сортировка альтернатив
Фильтр альтернатив по тегам
- — автоматизированное проектирование • 15
- — инженерия • 6
- — Архитектура • 6
- — Редакционный • 5
- — моделирование • 4
- — Системы автоматизированного проектирования • 2
- — 3D-моделирование • 2
- — Dxf • 2
- — чертеж • 2
- — Рисование • 1
- — Модели • 1
- — Cad окружающей среды • 1
- — Черновой вариант • 1
- — Средства проектирования • 1
- — Прямое моделирование • 1
- — Архитектурный дизайн • 1
- — Геометрия • 1
- — дизайн • 1
- — Анимация • 1
- — 3D-графика • 1
- — Autocad • 1
- — 3D Cad • 1
- — 2D Cad • 1
- — расчет • 1