Настольные ПК
Мобильные платформы
- Self Hosted • 239 ,
- Palm Pre • 107 ,
- Kindle Fire • 71 ,
- Safari • 69 ,
- Windows Explorer • 68 ,
- Haiku • 61 ,
- Wordpress • 51 ,
- Microsoft Office Outlook • 30 ,
- Adobe Photoshop • 23 ,
- Visual Studio • 23 ,
- Eclipse • 23 ,
- Mozilla Thunderbird • 22 ,
- Net Framework • 21 ,
- 3Ds Max • 18 ,
- Microsoft Excel • 16 ,
- Seamonkey • 14 ,
- Skype • 12 ,
- Wine • 10
Alpha Five
Alpha Five is a relational database management system and Rapid Application Development system (RAD) for building Windows desktop and Web (including AJAX) applications.The most recent version of the...
LibreOffice - Base 29 альтернатив
- Database
- Libreoffice
- Database Management
- Database Software
Base is a full-featured desktop database front end, designed to meet the needs of a broad array of users, for all kinds of usages, such as keeping track of collections …
Microsoft Office Access 34 альтернативы
- Data Management
- Microsoft Office Suite
- Database Management
- Dbms
- Jetsql
Microsoft Access is a data management application. It is a GUI frontend for editing mdb files, which are stored in JetSQL format..
VFront 25 альтернатив
- Web Based
- Frontend
- Postgres
- Database
VFront is a dynamic front-end for MySQL or PostgreSQL databases written in PHP and Javascript. With VFront you can create forms for manage your data in AJAX style, different rules …
Portofino 13 альтернатив
- Website Creator
- Content Management
- Java Based
- Charting
Portofino is a free and open source web framework that helps developers create outstanding enterprise applications by addressing three specific needs: productivity, features and architecture. Among its...
FileMaker 37 альтернатив
- Reports
- Database
- Database Management
FileMaker Pro is powerful, easy-to-use database software that helps you and your team get any task done faster. Millions of people in business, government, and education use FileMaker Pro to …
WaveMaker 22 альтернативы
- Rapid Application Development
- Web Development
- Ajax
- Browser Based
- Wysiwyg
WaveMaker (formerly named ActiveGrid) is an open source software development platform that automates much of the process for creating Java web and cloud applications. WaveMaker provides a visual rapid...
Crudin 18 альтернатив
- Web Based
- Rapid Application Development
- Frontend
Crudin, written in PHP, reads a MySQL database and dynamicly generates an interface with CRUD (Create,Read,Update and Delete) features. You can use it to build a custom CMS system, extranet …
Apache OpenOffice Base 27 альтернатив
- Openoffice Suite
- Database Management
- Xml
- Tables
Base, part of the Apache OpenOffice suite, offers help to users new to database design (or just new to Base) to create Tables, Queries, Forms and Reports, along with a …
Viravis 32 альтернативы
- Web Application
- Software As A Service
- Web Based
- Database
- Web Database
Viravis is a platform that helps non-technical users to develop online database applications easily without programming.
Firebird 24 альтернативы
- Database
- Rdbms
- Postgresql
Firebird is a relational database offering many ANSI SQL-92 features that runs on Linux, Windows, and a variety of Unix platforms. Firebird offers excellent concurrency, high performance, and powerful language...
XtraBuild Designer 10 альтернатив
- Developer Tools
- Rapid Application Development
- Sqlite
Creates desktop applications just in minutes, without hand-coding. XtraBuild Designer is a modern and powerful relational database management application that allows developers to easily build flexible...
Handy Application Maker 11 альтернатив
- Database
- Rapid Development
- Applcationbuilder
A database software maker. It automatically produces forms that handling records. Easy. Fast. Time Saving. No coding. Cross-platform
Cobynsofts Data Viewer 7 альтернатив
- Csv
- Database
- Xml
- Tsv
Cobynsoft’s Data Viewer allows you to quickly open and view, search, analyze, filter, group, export, and print data files such as Tabbed or Comma Separated Values files, XML files, and …
D-Lighted 5 альтернатив
- Sqlite
- Postgresql
- Database Client
- Ms Sql
D-Lighted is a free, open-source Windows database tool that allows users to connect to multiple different database platforms all from within the same small executable. The simple, uncluttered user interface …
Brilliant Database 9 альтернатив
- Design
- Calendar
- Database
Create a personal or business desktop database fast and easily using this simple all-in-one database software. Free 30 day trial. Brilliant Database is a multilanguage application. At present the next...
JSPMaker 19 альтернатив
- Java
- Jsp
- Database
- Template
JSPMaker is a powerful yet easy-to-use code generator that creates a full set of JSP (JavaServer Pages) quickly from MySQL or Oracle. Using the generated JSP, users can view, edit, …
SpeedBase Professional 9 альтернатив
- Personal Information Manager
- Organizer
- Easy To Use
- Time Management
- Database
SpeedBase is a fully customizable, flexible, easy to use desktop database software to quickly store, manage, search and share all types of business or personal information in one place. You …
Toolsverse Data Explorer 26 альтернатив
- Postgres
- Mssql
- Postgresql
- Db2
Data Explorer is a complete end-to-end solution for database development, data discovery, data migration, data integration and extract-transform-load (ETL).
Database Workbench 11 альтернатив
- Development Environment
- Sql Server
- Firebird
Database Workbench offers a single development environment for developing with multiple database engines. With database engine specific functionality, powerful tools and a consistent, clear and intuitive user interface, Database Workbench …
Знаете другую альтернативу Alpha Five?
Добавьте её в этот списокFrontbase 21 альтернатива
- Database
- Rdbms
FrontBase was created to fill the need for a robust and scalable relational database server that was Internet enabled, had no downtime, and required zero administration. FrontBases speed, wide range …
Mac SQL Studio 11 альтернатив
- Postgres
- Database Management
- Sqlite
- Databases
Mac SQL Studio is a lightweight Cocoa application written for Mac OS X Snow Leopard (and Lion). Mac SQL Studio’s goal is to provide the end user with as many …
Sybase Advantage Database Server 24 альтернативы
- Database
- Rdbms
- Databases
Advantage Database Server is a full-featured, easily embedded, client-server, relational database management system that provides you with Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) table-based and SQL-based data...
Organizer 15 альтернатив
- Organizer
- Database
- Asset Management
- Asset Tracking
- Database Management
Database software with over 60 included templates to organize libraries of objects from media (books, dvds, cds) to asset management and tracking to purchase orders, invoicing, and billing.
Что в этом списке?
Этот список содержит 23 альтернативы приложению Alpha Five, для таких платформ как: Windows, macOS, Linux, Онлайн Сервис, iPad, iPhone и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.
Последнее обновление списка: 15 декабря 2014 г. 0:17
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Сортировка альтернатив
Фильтр альтернатив по тегам
- — Базы данных • 13
- — MySQL • 9
- — Управления Базами Данных • 6
- — В PostgreSQL • 4
- — Базы данных SQLite • 4
- — SQL • 4
- — веб-интерфейс • 3
- — Постгреса • 3
- — Быстрой Разработки Приложений • 3
- — РСУБД • 3
- — Оракул • 3
- — Баз данных • 2
- — SQL Сервер • 2
- — Жар-птица • 2
- — В XML • 2
- — Перед MySQL В Конце • 2
- — Фронтэнд • 2
- — CMS • 2
- — Клиентской Базы Данных • 2
- — Веб-Фреймворк • 2
- — Организатор • 2
- — Базы Персональных Данных • 1
- — На FileMaker • 1
- — Быстрое Развитие • 1
- — Этл • 1
- — КМВ Строитель • 1
- — Напоминание • 1
- — Инвентаризация • 1
- — Браузерная • 1
- — В Informix • 1