
MySQL Php Development Sqlite Ms Sql

Adminer (formerly phpMinAdmin) is a full-featured database management tool written in PHP. Conversely to phpMyAdmin, it consist of a single file ready to deploy to the target server. Adminer is available for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL and Oracle

Открытое ПO Linux PHP Windows macOS Онлайн Сервис

phpMyAdmin 19 альтернатив

  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • SQL
  • Mysql Front End
  • Mysql Gui

phpMyAdmin is a tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. Currently it can create and drop databases, create/drop/alter tables, delete/edit/add fields, execute any …

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DbNinja 13 альтернатив

  • IDE
  • Backup And Restore
  • Web Based
  • MySQL
  • Php Development

DbNinja is a powerful web-based solution for secure and efficient management of remote MySQL database servers.

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Онлайн Сервис

Chive 10 альтернатив

  • Web Based
  • MySQL
  • Database

Chive is a free, open source, web-based database management tool, designed to bring joy to web developers - with easy administration, super fast UI and state of the art web …

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Toad for MySQL 18 альтернатив

  • Automation
  • Cvs
  • Skinable
  • Code Snippets
  • Wizard

MySQL backend tool for data management, analysis and reporting. Features include: a robust database browser, macro recorder, version control integration (CVS, SVN, etc...), code snippets, Schema and Data...


SQL Buddy 16 альтернатив

  • MySQL
  • Database
  • SQL

A light, smooth looking phpMyAdmin alternative.

Онлайн Сервис

MySQLDumper 13 альтернатив

  • Backup And Restore
  • MySQL
  • Database
  • Database Management
  • Mysql Databases

MySQLDumper is a PHP and Perl based tool for backing up MySQL databases. You can easily dump your data into a backup file and - if needed - restore it. …

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Онлайн Сервис

MonoQL 10 альтернатив

  • MySQL
  • Ajax
  • Phpmyadmin

MonoQL is like a desktop MySQL client in a browser. You can try it out for yourself at or download the source here: MonoQL will provide all of...

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Онлайн Сервис

Sypex Dumper 12 альтернатив

  • MySQL
  • Dumper
  • Mysql Administration

Sypex Dumper [saipeks d?mper] is a software product (PHP-script), which can help you create a backup (dump) of a MySQL database, and also restore the database from the backup if …

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Онлайн Сервис

PHPLiteAdmin 15 альтернатив

  • Database
  • Php Development
  • Database Management
  • Sqlite
  • Phpmyadmin

phpLiteAdmin is a web-based SQLite database admin tool written in PHP with support for SQLite2 and SQLite3. Following in the spirit of the flat-file system used by SQLite, phpLiteAdmin consists …

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Онлайн Сервис

phpminiadmin 6 альтернатив

  • MySQL
  • Database
  • SQL
  • Phpmyadmin
  • Sql Administration

An extremely lightweight alternative to phpMyAdmin, standalone PHP script for quick and easy access MySQL databases via web interface. Instead of installing huge phpMyAdmin (~11Mb) and trying to figure out …

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Enhanced mySQL Portal 18 альтернатив

  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Database
  • Rdbms
  • SQL

Eliacom's Enhanced mySQL Portal makes MySQL database management easy. Make databases, tables, columns, forms without knowing any mysql. Organize tables, queries, and columns with click-and-drag ease of...

Онлайн Сервис

Phppgadmin 6 альтернатив

  • Postgresql

phpPgAdmin is a web-based administration tool for PostgreSQL. It is perfect for PostgreSQL DBAs, newbies, and hosting services.

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Онлайн Сервис

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Web 2.0 PgAdmin 4 альтернативы

  • Web Based
  • Database Management
  • SQL
  • Postgresql

Web 2.0 PgAdmin is a web based PostgresSQL database management tool. This is a completely web based application that uses Ajax on the client side and PHP on the server …

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PhpMyBackupPro 5 альтернатив

  • Backup And Restore
  • File Backup
  • Mysql Backup

phpMyBackup Pro is a very easy to use, free, web-based MySQL backup application, licensed under the GNU GPL. You can create scheduled backups, manage and restore them, download or email …

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Онлайн Сервис

PostgreSQL Maestro 24 альтернативы

  • Development
  • Server Administration
  • Postgres
  • Database Management
  • Postgresql

PostgreSQL Maestro allows you to create, edit, copy, drop and dump all Postgres database objects. It is a PostgreSQL GUI admin tool working as a Postgres client for Windows. You …


Mac SQL Studio 11 альтернатив

  • MySQL
  • Postgres
  • Database Management
  • Sqlite
  • Databases

Mac SQL Studio is a lightweight Cocoa application written for Mac OS X Snow Leopard (and Lion). Mac SQL Studio’s goal is to provide the end user with as many …

Бесплатно для персонального использования

Что в этом списке?

Этот список содержит 16 альтернатив приложению Adminer, для таких платформ как: Windows, macOS, Онлайн Сервис, Linux, iPad, PHP и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.

Последнее обновление списка: 14 декабря 2014 г. 23:51

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