Настольные ПК
Мобильные платформы
- Self Hosted • 239 ,
- Palm Pre • 107 ,
- Kindle Fire • 71 ,
- Safari • 69 ,
- Windows Explorer • 68 ,
- Haiku • 61 ,
- Wordpress • 51 ,
- Microsoft Office Outlook • 30 ,
- Adobe Photoshop • 23 ,
- Visual Studio • 23 ,
- Eclipse • 23 ,
- Mozilla Thunderbird • 22 ,
- Net Framework • 21 ,
- 3Ds Max • 18 ,
- Microsoft Excel • 16 ,
- Seamonkey • 14 ,
- Skype • 12 ,
- Wine • 10
Thorax 26 альтернатив
- Developer Tools
- Framework
- Web Development
- JavaScript
- Web Applications
An opinionated, battle-tested Backbone + Handlebars framework to build large scale web applications.
PRADO 6 альтернатив
- Php5
- Web Development
- Php Development
PRADO is a component-based and event-driven framework for Web application development in PHP 5. PRADO stands for PHP Rapid Application Development Object-oriented. The sole requirement to run PRADO-based...
Seagull 9 альтернатив
- Rapid Application Development
- Framework
- Web Development
- Content Management
Seagull is an object oriented framework written in PHP that focuses on best practices, clean code and reusable components.
Pinegrow Web Designer 7 альтернатив
- Web Design
- Html Editor
- Web Development
- Wysiwyg Website Editor
- Wysiwyg
Pinegrow is a standalone Mac and WIndows app that lets you easily build websites with Bootstrap and Less Css. It lets you edit more than one page at the same …
AmplifyJS 11 альтернатив
- Developer Tools
- Framework
- Web Development
- Web Applications
- Javascript Development
AmplifyJS is a set of components designed to solve common web application problems with a simplistic API. Amplify's goal is to simplify all forms of data handling by providing a …
Slowy 15 альтернатив
- Developer Tools
- Developer
- Web Development
- Networking
- Connection
Slowy is an OSX app which simulates custom connection's conditions and limits the network traffic. It is created for web developers that work on a local server, to test a …
Xapian 6 альтернатив
- Web Development
- Indexing
- Search Server
Xapian is an open source probabilistic information retrieval library, released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It is a full text search engine library for programmers. It is written …
OpenSearchServer 6 альтернатив
- Web Development
- Indexing
- Search Server
OpenSearchServer is an open source application server allowing development of index-based applications like search engines. Main features of OpenSearchServer are : An integrated crawler for databases, web...
SearchBlox 6 альтернатив
- Web Development
- Indexing
- Search Server
- Lucene
- Solr
SearchBlox is an out-of-the-box Enterprise Search Solution built on top of Apache Lucene/Solr. It is fast to deploy, easy to manage and available for both on-premise and cloud deployment.
Apache Struts 3 альтернативы
- Development
- Developer Tools
- Web Development
Apache Struts is an open-source web application framework for developing Java EE web applications. It uses and extends the Java Servlet API to encourage developers to adopt a model-view-controller (MVC) …
App Messenger 2 альтернативы
- Application Monitoring
- Web Development
- Web Application Development
It is standard practice for developers to log errors and warnings to event logs to help with debugging an app. Think of App-Messenger as an evolution to the good old …
node-webkit 3 альтернативы
- Developer Tools
- Html5
- Web Development
- Create Desktop App
node-webkit is an app runtime based on Chromium and Node.JS . You can write native apps in HTML and Javascript with node-webkit. It also lets you call Node.js modules directly …
COKE JS 7 альтернатив
- Developer Tools
- Framework
- Web Development
- Web Applications
- Javascript Development
COKE is a lightweight node.js MVC framework that speeds up your web development. It's simple, it's modularized, it's somking fast!
Partial.js 22 альтернативы
- Developer Tools
- Framework
- Web Development
- Web Applications
- Javascript Development
Free web application framework for building Web sites and Web applications using JavaScript, HTML and CSS. From web developer for web developers.
Frisby 11 альтернатив
- Developer Tools
- Framework
- Web Development
- Web Applications
- Javascript Development
Frisby is a REST API testing framework built on node.js and Jasmine that makes testing API endpoints easy, fast, and fun.
jQuery Evergreen 14 альтернатив
- Developer Tools
- Web Development
- Web Applications
- Javascript Development
- Mvc
Small & fast DOM and event library for modern browsers. Having the same familiar API as jQuery (but without the extra "weight" of modules like $.ajax, $.animate, and $.Deferred), it …
Phantomjs 4 альтернативы
- Development
- Web Development
- Development Tool
- Dom
PhantomJS is a headless WebKit with JavaScript API. It has fast and native support for various web standards: DOM handling, CSS selector, JSON, Canvas, and SVG.
Goldfish 4 альтернативы
- Website Creator
- Web Development
- Website Design
Goldfish is the easy to use solution for creating gorgeous, individual websites in little time. In the last few years Goldfish developed from a small tool to a widespread website …
Code Cola 3 альтернативы
- Developer Tools
- Web Development
Code Cola is a chrome extension to editor online pages' style visibility. It helps visual designer, interactive designer, web site operator and other peoples modify the online pages quickly and …
Typescript 2 альтернативы
- Programming
- Programming Language
- Object Oriented
- Compiler
- Web Development
Now acquired by MICROSOFT. TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript development. It is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript in any browser, any host, any …
Flight 11 альтернатив
- Developer Tools
- Framework
- Web Development
- Web Applications
- Javascript Development
A lightweight, component-based JavaScript framework for assigning behavior to DOM nodes.
MontageJS 22 альтернативы
- Developer Tools
- Framework
- Web Development
- Web Applications
- Javascript Development
MontageJS is a modern, full stack HTML5 framework designed to create single-page applications—fast! MontageJS uses time-tested design patterns and software principles, allowing you to easily create a modular...
Less.app (bash) 5 альтернатив
- Development
- Web Design
- Css
- Web Development
- Bash
Less.app for Linux is a simple Bash script watching a directory for modifications of .less files (see lesscss.org) and auto-compiling them to .css files with ease. It also has some …
script.aculo.us 6 альтернатив
- Web Development
- Ajax
- Prototype
- Javascript Library
- Javascript Framework
script.aculo.us is a JavaScript library built on the Prototype JavaScript Framework, providing dynamic visual effects and user interface elements via the Document Object Model (DOM).It is most notably included...
Domainbrain 0 альтернатив
- Domains
- Web Development
- Information Management
- Domain Management
DomainBrain is a handy tool for Mac OS X that helps webmasters and web designers keep track of server and login information for websites they maintain.
Что в этом списке?
Этот список содержит 160 приложений для платформы macOS. Список можно фильтровать по типу лицензии и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют приложение, или дате добавления.
Последнее обновление списка: 29 марта 2022 г. 9:59
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Сортировка приложений
Фильтр приложений по тегам
- — Игры • 237
- — Разработка • 174
- — Расширение Firefox • 163
- — Веб-Разработка • 160
- — Инструменты разработчика • 123
- — Общий доступ к файлам • 113
- — Ведение заметок • 106
- — Совместное участие • 102
- — Программирование • 99
- — Базы данных • 95
- — Чат-клиент • 95
- — Управление Проектами • 93
- — Python • 87
- — Текстовый редактор • 83
- — Многоязычный • 83
- — CMS • 82
- — Фреймворк • 82
- — Список дел • 80
- — Java • 80
- — Преобразование видео • 79
- — Расширение Chrome • 74
- — iTunes • 72
- — Музыкальный проигрыватель • 71
- — Мультиплеер • 70
- — Online Backup • 70
- — Резервное копирование • 69
- — моделирование • 69
- — Одноранговой • 67
- — дизайн • 67
- — Учет времени • 66