
Notation Scorewriter Score Editor Midi Composer Lilypond

GNU LilyPond is a computer program for music engraving. One of LilyPonds major goals is to produce scores that are engraved with traditional layout rules, reflecting the era when scores were engraved by hand....

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Альтернативы приложению LilyPond

MuseScore 30 альтернатив

  • Wysiwyg
  • Score
  • Midi
  • Music Production
  • Music Composer

MuseScore is a free music notation and composition software available for Linux, Windows and Mac. It allows for fast and easy note entry on a virtual note sheet. It has …

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Impro-Visor 38 альтернатив

  • Music Composer
  • Music Notation
  • Jazz

Impro-Visor (short for “Improvisation Advisor”) is a music notation program designed to help jazz musicians compose and hear solos similar to ones that might be improvised. The objective is to …

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Finale 28 альтернатив

  • Music Notation
  • Scorewriter
  • Scorewriting

Finale is proprietary scorewriting software developed by MakeMusic, Inc. It displays music primarily in music notation and allows for multiple tracks and very specific tweaking of instrument sounds for each...


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Band-in-a-Box 41 альтернатива

  • Music Composer
  • Music Notation
  • Sheet Music

Band-in-a-Box is so easy to use! Just type in the chords for any song using standard chord symbols (like C, Fm7, or C13b9), choose the style you'd like, and Band-in-a-Box …


music21 22 альтернативы

  • Music Composer
  • Music Notation
  • Sheet Music
  • Music Creator

Music21 is a Python-based toolkit for computer-aided musicology. Applications of this toolkit include computational musicology, music informations, musical example extraction and generation, music notation...

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ABCJ 9 альтернатив

  • Abc
  • Music Composer
  • Music Notation
  • Sheet Music
  • Abc Notation

ABCJ is a pure-Java editor, player and librarian for music files stored using Chris Walshaw's ABC notation. Features :-. • ABCJ maintains a library of ABC files. Once a tune …

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Онлайн Сервис

EasyABC 12 альтернатив

  • Abc
  • Music Production
  • Music Composer
  • Music Notation
  • Sheet Music

EasyABC allows you to edit and play abc files. It supports conversion from MusicXML and MIDI to ABC. The latter uses a custom implementation (midi2abc is not used) in order …

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Что в этом списке?

Этот список содержит 26 альтернатив приложению LilyPond, для таких платформ как: Windows, macOS, Linux, Онлайн Сервис, BSD и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.

Последнее обновление списка: 14 декабря 2014 г. 23:57

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