Настольные ПК
Мобильные платформы
- Self Hosted • 239 ,
- Palm Pre • 107 ,
- Kindle Fire • 71 ,
- Safari • 69 ,
- Windows Explorer • 68 ,
- Haiku • 61 ,
- Wordpress • 51 ,
- Microsoft Office Outlook • 30 ,
- Adobe Photoshop • 23 ,
- Visual Studio • 23 ,
- Eclipse • 23 ,
- Mozilla Thunderbird • 22 ,
- Net Framework • 21 ,
- 3Ds Max • 18 ,
- Microsoft Excel • 16 ,
- Seamonkey • 14 ,
- Skype • 12 ,
- Wine • 10
5pm is a web based project management application with a smart customizable interface. Email integration, iCalendar and RSS feeds, Timeline view and Reports are just a few features to mention. Free trial (no...
Pivotal Tracker 56 альтернатив
- Team Collaboration
- Project Planning
- Agile Project Management
- Scrum
Tracker is a story-based project planning tool from Pivotal Labs that allows teams to collaborate and react to real-world changes instantly. Its based on agile software methods, but can be …
Wrike 103 альтернативы
- Project Management
- Project Manager
- Gantt Chart
- Time Tracking
- Online Collaboration
Wrike is a web-based project management software package adopting a three-pane view. It integrates with Google Apps and offers an API, but does not have any contact management functions. Wrike's …
Rule 79 альтернатив
- Collaboration
- Социальная Сеть
- Software As A Service
- Email Client
- Document Management
For teams that have things to talk about and things to do, Rule (www.rule.fm) is the cloud application that connects discussions to activity. Unlike other productivity solutions, Rule gives even …
Huddle 94 альтернативы
- Collaboration
- Online Backup
- File Synchronization
- Cloud Sync
- Team Collaboration
Huddle is online collaboration & content management for the enterprise. It gives you a network of secure online workspaces where you can store & share files, collaborate on documents, manage …
TimeLog Project 28 альтернатив
- Project Management
- Project Planning
- Resource Management
- Customer Relationship Manager
- Issue Tracking
TimeLog Project is a user friendly and web based system, where time tracking is the outset for CRM, project and staff management, and invoicing. In TimeLog Project time tracking is …
Smartsheet 50 альтернатив
- Collaboration
- Web Based
- Project Management
- Project Collaboration
- Task Management
Smartsheet is a web-based project management, task management and work collaboration software. Simple Smartsheet harnesses the power of a platform within the simplicity of a spreadsheet. No training...
WORKetc CRM 26 альтернатив
- Project Management
- Project Manager
- Customer Relationship Manager
- Invoicing
- Time Tracking
Worketc is web-based small business software package priced at $40/user/month, integrating Customer Relationship Management (CRM), project management with Gantt charts, time tracking, invoicing, expense...
WEBCON Business Process Suite 35 альтернатив
- Sharepoint
- Document Management System
- Barcodes
- Workflow
- Business Process Management
Thanks to its unique workflow engine and capabilities, which far exceed those offered by the SharePoint standard, WEBCON BPS enables efficient handling of the most complex workflows. WEBCON BPS offers …
Знаете другую альтернативу 5pm?
Добавьте её в этот списокpam 26 альтернатив
- Cloud Based
- Customer Relationship Manager
- Scm
- Change Management
- Suppliers
pam is the Platform for Achieving More - It's a dynamic software service with rich functionality that enables organisations and their ecosystem partners to accelerate change and engage effectively for...
Workgroups DaVinci 14 альтернатив
- Project Management
- Marketing Project Management
- Job Management
- Creative Workflow
- Creative Collaboration
All in one project management & productivity suite for marketing, creative, and production The new Workgroups DaVinci suite includes our project and productivity solutions in one powerful application....
Daylite 14 альтернатив
- Calendar
- Contact Manager
- Project Collaboration
- Task Management
- Shared Calendars
Daylite is a business productivity manager designed to help you manage your business and your team. With features such as project collaboration, shared calendars, task delegation, and sales tracking.
Momentum | How small teams achieve great success 12 альтернатив
- Employee Feedback
- Employee Tracking
- Goal Tracking
- Goal Setting
- Goal Management
Momentum is the Management Tool designed for the needs of small and dynamic teams. Great managers choose Momentum because it gives them and their team precisely the tools needed to …
Что в этом списке?
Этот список содержит 149 альтернатив приложению 5pm, для таких платформ как: Онлайн Сервис, Windows, macOS, iPhone, iPad, Linux, Android и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.
Последнее обновление списка: 26 января 2024 г. 14:13
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Сортировка альтернатив
Фильтр альтернатив по тегам
- — Управление Проектами • 7
- — Управление Задачами • 4
- — Менеджер По Отношениям С Клиентами • 4
- — Сотрудничество Проекта • 3
- — Учет времени • 3
- — Совместное участие • 3
- — Онлайн Сотрудничество • 3
- — Выставление счетов • 2
- — Руководитель Проекта • 2
- — Тайм-Менеджмент • 2
- — Планирование Проекта • 2
- — Календарь • 2
- — Управление документами • 2
- — Сотрудничество команды • 2
- — ОРЗ • 1
- — Online Backup • 1
- — Время Регистрации • 1
- — Управление Изменениями • 1
- — Программное Обеспечение Для Совместной Работы • 1
- — Мобильный Синхронизации • 1
- — Онлайн-Хранилище • 1
- — Отслеживание Задач • 1
- — Диаграммы Ганта • 1
- — Диаграмма Ганта • 1
- — Социальная сеть • 1
- — Webcon • 1
- — Списки Задач • 1
- — Программное Обеспечение CRM • 1
- — Расписание • 1
- — Инструменты Управления • 1